星期一:黒镜 S02E02 (英国)

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-02-18 17:56

《黒镜》(Black Mirror)S02E02《White Bear》

一种古怪的声音背后大有玄机。Toni(Lenora Crichlow)从昏迷中醒来,发现自己待在一间陌生的屋子里。当她走出屋外,每个人都用手中的智能手机拍摄她——除了一个人。那人用枪指着她,想要杀死她。后来Toni遇到另两个人,Damien(Ian Bonar)和Jem(Tuppence Middleton),他们正躲在加油站里。Toni得知这种情况已经发生数月之久——一种奇怪信号将多数人变成了没有思想的「偷窥者」(voyeur),只有少数人能抵抗信号的侵袭并自主思考。当然,这意味着这些人有能力猎杀Toni、Damien和Jem。Toni决定找到信号源,在自己被谋杀之前彻底关闭它。

Black Mirror White Bear

A woman, Debra (Lenora Crichlow), wakes in a house that she does not recognise and cannot remember anything about her life. There are photos of her with a man and another photo of a young girl on the mantelpiece – neither of whom she recognises. The TV is on and is playing a symbol that means nothing to her.

Confused and agitated, she leaves the house only to find a deserted street. Knocking on doors, no one answers. Sensing movement behind the curtains of the houses she looks up and sees a young family – the father is filming her on his phone.

A car pulls into the road and a man gets out (Michael Smiley). Debra starts to approach him until she sees he is a carrying a gun and pointing it at her. As she runs away a few people come out of their houses to film her. Running round the corner she stumbles into Damien (Ian Bonar) and Jem (Tuppence Middleton), who together with Debra seek refuge in a petrol station. The man with the gun tries to break his way in. A group of people have gathered outside and are filming this on their phones. As the glass shatters the man with the gun enters the petrol station and Damian tries to grapple with him. The girls make a run for it. They see Damien try to escape but he is shot and dies. Debra and Jem manage to escape.

Jem explains to Debra that this has been going on for months – a signal started being transmitted that has caused most of the population to become dumb voyeurs. This apathy has allowed others to do what they want and they have essentially become what Jem calls “Hunters” – out to get people like her and Debra.

During Jem’s explanation, Debra is plagued by various flashbacks – they are becoming more and more regular and involve her in a car with the man and the girl, her assumed daughter, from the photos.

Jem and Debra set out to find and destroy the transmitter, to stop its signal. It is their only hope of finding a safe way out. Reaching the transmitter they try to set fire to it just as the ‘hunters’ arrive. Will they manage it and is this the end of their torment?


