星期六:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013-12-28)

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-12-28 15:41

《慕理小镇》(Moonfleet (2013))S01E01(新迷你剧)(英国)

年轻的John Trenchard(Aneurin Barnard)加入由Elzevir Block(Ray Winstone)领导的走私团伙,并随他一起展开一场充满危险、幽默与友情的寻宝之旅。他们从多赛特启航前往海牙寻找传说中「失落的钻石」,但等待他们的却是一场危机四伏的海洋冒险。Sophie Cookson扮演John的初恋情人Grace,是慕理小镇治安官Mohune(Ben Chapin)的女儿。Mohune一向痛恨走私行为,发誓要将这群罪犯绳之以法。Omid Djalili扮演珠宝商人Aldobrand,Martin Trenaman扮演Turnkey。Lorcan Cranitch和Anthony Ofoegbu扮演Elzevirs走私团伙中的成员Meech和Loder。本剧根据同名小说改编。

《Endeavour (2013)》S01E01《Everest by Canoe》(新迷你剧)(英国)

In 1976 a British expedition made mountaineering history, becoming the first kayakers to descend the Dudh Kosi river that runs off Mount Everest. High in the Himalayas, and at incredible speed, six Olympic-class canoeists battled with white water over rocks, waterfalls and treacherous whirlpools. As they struggled to negotiate a 30-pound canoe over a river with 30mph waterfalls, the threat of capsizing was ever present. Winner of over 25 international awards, this is a story of teamwork, bravery and individual brilliance.

《塞布丽娜:少女巫师的秘密》(Sabrina: Secrets Of A Teenage Witch)S01E11《See No Sabrina, Hear No Sabrina》

Salem accidentally makes Sabrina invisible, leading Tiffany and Harvey to think she’s a ghost.

