Game Of Thrones 权力的游戏 S04E08 剧情概述

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-06-02 22:24

本集的主要剧情包括:野人袭击鼹鼠村,屠杀了所有的人。耶哥瑞特发现吉莉抱着刚出生的婴儿,于是放她一条生路。消息传到绝境长城,山姆为自己当初的决定感到懊恼。他相信吉莉已经死了。拉姆赛要求Reek做回以前的「席恩-葛雷乔伊」,并命令他设法帮他夺得卡林湾(Moat Cailin)。作为交换条件,拉姆赛同意让铁种(Ironborn)安全返回铁岛。铁种愿意回去,于是答应了席恩的劝说,打开卡林湾的大门放拉姆赛和他的手下进入城堡内。怎料拉姆赛出尔反尔,铁种遭到屠杀并被剥皮。卢斯-波顿对拉姆赛的表现甚为满意,于是给予他合法子嗣的地位。拉姆赛正式成为波顿家族的一员并随卢斯抵达临冬城。在狭海的另一侧,弥桑岱(Missandrei)和灰虫子(Grey Worm)的关系变得越来越亲密。巴利斯坦爵士准备将一封信交给乔拉爵士,信中的内容为「监视丹妮莉斯有功,免除过去的一切罪责」。然而巴利斯坦将这封信给了丹妮莉斯,丹妮莉斯立即命令乔拉永远离开弥林,永远不要再回来,他们的合作关系就此终结。在鹰巢城,珊莎在调查莱莎死因的特别委员会面前证实了小指头的清白。猎狗和艾丽娅在城门外得知莱莎的死讯。在君临城,詹姆和提力昂借着比武审判大会尚未到来之际最后一次谈论起人生和哲学。奥伯伦和魔山的决战开始,奥伯伦一开始似乎占了上风,但魔山笑到最后。他不仅承认自己杀了奥伯伦的姐姐和她的孩子,还用最残忍的方式要了奥伯伦的命。但魔山自己也因为伤势过重倒在决斗场上。泰温起身宣布以「弑君罪」判处提力昂死刑。


At the Wall

Gilly (Hannah Murray) has a tense conversation with one of the prostitutes at Mole’s Town, before the village is attacked by Styr (Yuri Kolokolnikov), Tormund Giantsbane (Kristofer Hivju), and their armies. Gilly is discovered by Ygritte (Rose Leslie), but is spared by her when Ygritte notices the infant. News of the attack reaches the Wall, where Sam (John Bradley) laments his decision to leave Gilly there, and ponders whether she would still be alive.

In the North

Ramsay Snow (Iwan Rheon) rehearses his plan with Reek (Alfie Allen), who will be masquerading as his former self, Theon Greyjoy. Riding a horse with a white flag, Theon enters the Moat and is received by Ralf Kenning (Grahame Fox). Theon gives him the terms for their surrender, which Kenning intends to decline, before he is killed by one of his own men, who assumes command and accepts the terms. After the Ironborn open the Moat’s gates, Ramsay and his army flay and slaughter them. As a reward for retaking the Moat, Lord Roose Bolton (Michael McElhatton) legitimizes Ramsay, using his new authority as Warden of the North to make Ramsay a true Bolton. The Boltons arrive at Winterfell.

Across the Narrow Sea

Missandei (Nathalie Emmanuel) catches Grey Worm (Jacob Anderson) watching her bathe, and though she seeks advice from Daenerys (Emilia Clarke) and desires a relationship with him, all Unsullied are made eunuchs at an early age. Later, Ser Barristan (Ian McElhinney) receives a letter sealed with the Hand of the King’s seal. He gives it to Ser Jorah (Iain Glen), explaining that is it a royal pardon signed by Robert Baratheon, in exchange for spying on Daenerys. Jorah admits his spying to her, and she orders him to leave Meereen and never return.

In the Vale

Having murdered his wife, Petyr Baelish (Aidan Gillen) meets with a few of the nobility of the Vale, including Lord Yohn Royce (Rupert Vansittart). Petyr tells them that Lysa committed suicide by jumping through the Moon Door, but they do not trust him, bringing up his whorehouses in King’s Landing and foreign blood. Royce demands to speak with Sansa (Sophie Turner), who is acting as Petyr’s niece, Alayne. She is brought in to speak to the group, and she appears to crumble under the pressure of the situation, admitting her true identity to the group. Sansa corroborates Petyr’s story, and convinces them of his innocence. As Petyr walks the group out of the Eyrie, he makes plans to have Robin (Lino Facioli) tour the Vale.

Outside, Sandor “The Hound” Clegane (Rory McCann) and Arya (Maisie Williams) walk the narrow path toward the Eyrie. Coming to the Bloody Gate, they are informed of Lady Arryn’s death by Donnel Waynwood (Alisdair Simpson).

In King’s Landing

Shortly before his trial by combat is to begin, Tyrion (Peter Dinklage) discusses his chances with his brother, Jaime (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau). When Tyrion is taken outside, he has a brief conversation with his champion, Oberyn (Pedro Pascal), who is confident. Ser Gregor “The Mountain” Clegane (Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson) arrives shortly thereafter, and the trial commences. Oberyn speaks with the Mountain during the fight, demanding he admit to raping and murdering his sister, Elia, and her two children. Oberyn lands several attacks on his opponent, stabbing and cutting him with his spear. As he knocks the Mountain to the ground, Oberyn demands he confess, screaming at him and hoping the Mountain will admit that it was Tywin (Charles Dance) who gave the order. As Oberyn circles him, the Mountain reaches out, knocks him to the ground, and pins him. The Mountain grabs Oberyn’s head, gouging out his eyes before confessing to the murder of Elia and her children, and crushing Oberyn’s skull. The Mountain, suffering from his grave wounds, then collapses to the ground. Tywin rises and sentences Tyrion to death for regicide.



文章评论 (1)
2014-06-03 01:22

