Game Of Thrones 权力的游戏 S04E09 剧情概述

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-06-09 19:20

守夜人军团与入侵的野人大战在即,琼恩和山姆却谈起了女人(特别是耶哥瑞特)的话题。山姆称「与女人发生关系并不算违背守夜人的誓言」。随后山姆在图书馆里与伊蒙学士讨论了他和吉莉的关系。不久之后吉莉出现在绝境长城,山姆与她团聚了。号角响起,曼斯-雷德已兵临城下。野人从两个方向发动攻击,其中一支军队负责爬城墙。耶哥瑞特所在的军队负责攀爬黑城堡最重要的界墙。他们成功之后,一场血腥的战斗随即开始。野人试图凭借多个巨人和一只长毛象突破通向黑城堡的通道。艾里沙-索恩爵士(Ser Alliser Thorne)亲自下到黑城堡的主层参加战斗,杰诺斯-史林特(Janos Slynt)在后方控制局面。但史林特显然是个不合格的指挥官,于是Grenn将他支开,琼恩称了事实上的领袖(Grenn后来也战死了)。Pyp被耶哥瑞特一箭射中脖子,血流如注,山姆无力救他,只能眼睁睁看着他在自己怀中死去。琼恩亲手杀死了瑟恩的斯迪(Styr the Thenn),耶哥瑞特想要杀死琼恩,但她迟疑了一下,Olly抓住机会一箭射中她的心脏。耶哥瑞特倒在琼恩的怀中死去。在冰原狼百灵的帮助下,守夜人军团成功守住了黑城堡的地表层。爬上城墙的野人失去了退路,和大部队分割开来。守夜人军团使出他们从未示人的绝密武器,最终歼灭了城墙上的敌人。野人军团被迫撤退,但琼恩知道他们很快还会回来。曼斯-雷德不会轻言放弃,而只要曼斯-雷德还活着,野人军团就会继续战斗。如果曼斯-雷德死了,野人将陷入群龙无首的境地,最终四分五裂。琼恩命令山姆打开城门,他将前往北方寻找并杀死曼斯-雷德。


As they keep watch for the coming invasion, Jon (Kit Harington) and Sam (John Bradley) walk on the top of the Wall, and talk about Jon’s relationship with Ygritte (Rose Leslie) during his time with the wildlings. At a nearby camp, the Thenn Warg (Joseph Gatt) scouts the wall using an owl, while Ygritte stakes her claim on Jon, telling the group that she will be the one to kill him. In the library of Castle Black, Sam and Maester Aemon (Peter Vaughan) discuss Gilly (Hannah Murray), who soon after arrives at Castle Black, having been spared by Ygritte during the raid of Mole’s Town. Their reunion is cut short by two horn blasts, indicating Mance Rayder’s army has arrived. Jon, looking out over the north side of the Wall, sees a massive fire burning, and he and his brothers complete the preparations for battle. Sam finds Gilly and her baby shelter in the kitchen, and then leaves to aid in the defense after kissing her goodbye.

Ygritte, having scouted the entrance of Castle Black, reports that it is undermanned, and Styr (Yuri Kolokolnikov) orders the group to attack. As Ser Alliser (Owen Teale) orders the archers to nock, another horn blast informs him that the castle is being attacked from both sides. Alliser leaves charge of the Wall to Janos Slynt (Dominic Carter), and heads for the south side of the castle to battle with the Thenns. On top of the Wall, Janos Slynt proves to be incompetent as a commander, and he is falsely informed that he is needed on the south side by Grenn (Mark Stanley), leaving Jon in charge. Several giants and a woolly mammoth attempt to pull down the large gate at the base of the Wall, and Jon sends Grenn with 5 men to guard the passage. On the south side, Ser Alliser is wounded by Tormund Giantsbane (Kristofer Hivju) and is taken to be treated. Sam, having witnessed Pyp’s (Josef Altin) death, takes his crossbow and kills a Thenn while running through the courtyard, later ascending the Wall. Upon arriving at the top, Sam informs Jon of the events in the courtyard, and Jon leaves charge of the Wall to Edd (Ben Crompton).

Returning to the south side of Castle Black, Jon leads the remaining Night’s Watch brothers, along with his direwolf, Ghost. Jon battles with Styr, and after taking a severe beating, is able to kill the Thenn. He is then confronted by Ygritte, who appears ready to kill him but hesitates with her arrow. Her pause allows Olly (Brennock O’Connor) to shoot an arrow through her back, and she dies in Jon’s arms. Tormund, having been hit by several arrows, is captured on Jon’s orders, and atop the Wall, Edd leads a successful defense, with the wildling army appearing to withdraw for the time. In the morning, Jon tells Sam that he will go north of the Wall, and attempt to kill Mance. As they walk through the passage, they find Grenn and his men died killing a giant, and Jon tells Sam to have their bodies burned. Jon gives his sword, Longclaw, to Sam before departing the passage.


