
天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-04-16 23:22


● 在5月5日的《复仇》(Revenge)中,Emily又一次订婚了。她的未婚夫是……她的前未婚夫Daniel Grayson!很显然Emily的这个举动与她的下一步复仇计划有关,但Aiden对此很不满意。该剧的制片人解释称,剧情就是要制造Emily与Daniel、Aiden、Jack三个男人的四角关系,这样观众就会意识到Emily最终做出的决定是一个「非常重要的决定」。但是你不要忘了上次我告诉过你的剧透消息:一名关键角色肯定会在季终前死亡。那会是Daniel、Aiden或Jack中的某一个吗?

● 《维京传奇》(Vikings):扮演Ragnar的演员Travis Fimmel在谈到Lagertha流产的情节时说:

“Ragnar is very upset when he finds out about his child dying. It’s a boy, he believes, and he wants his legacy, he wants to have a lot of boys. It really affects him when he loses his son.”

● 晕哪……我之前曾报道《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones)第三季会在某个时刻播出独立乐队「The Hold Steady」演唱的原创歌曲《The Bear and Maiden Fair》(这首歌在维斯特洛大陆上很流行,通常能在酒馆里听到它),想不到……它在詹姆·蓝尼斯特失去「使剑的手」这一集出现。如果你喜欢这首歌,你现在已经能够下载到它了。顺便向詹姆的那只手默哀……此外在这一集中我们还看到,丹妮莉斯愿意用自己的一只龙交换8000名强壮的士兵!

● 据称《真爱如血》(True Blood)6×07将回忆1665年伦敦发生重大鼠疫的情形,英王查尔斯二世将登场。Nicole的母亲Mary将至少出现两集。

● 《护士杰姬》(Nurse Jackie):Carrie Roman和Coop将成为性伙伴,甚至有一盘「性爱录影带」与他们有关……

● 《尼基塔》(Nikita):Nikita在季终集里被Amanda植入了皮下监听器!此时Nikita正竭尽全力寻找和总统见面的机会……如果Amanda能够利用监听器来偷听Nikita与总统的谈话,那么Michael和Birkhoff也能。或许他们能逆转局势?

● 《灵书妙探》(Castle):Beckett将保护富有、迷人、喜欢冒险的企业家Erik Vaughn(Ioan Gruffud)。与Vaughn在一起待了一段时间后,Beckett竟然对自己和Castle的关系产生了疑问。难道Beckett会移情别恋?

● Fox紧跟CBS之后公布了所有在播节目的季终剧情,我同样只说要点。


《杀手之王》(The Following)4月29日季终,Ryan和Joe的「巅峰对决」。

《欢乐合唱团》(Glee)5月9日季终,新趋势合唱团在地区比赛中遭遇「女王」Frida Romero(Jessica Sanchez)领军的「Hoosierdaddies」合唱团。Rachel是否参演《妙女郎》(Funny Girl)也有了最终结果。

《触摸未来》(Touch)5月10日季终,Aster Corps可能获得完整的数字序列;Jake和Amelia有危险;Martin和Trevor必须救出他们并阻止Aster Corps改变世界。

《男与女》(New Girl)5月14日季终,Cece的婚礼日;Jess和Nick的关系有了定论;Schmidt和Winston联手破坏婚礼。Taylor Swift和Rob Reiner客座演出。

《明迪烦事多》(The Mindy Project)5月14日季终,Mindy打算去海地做志愿者。


● Heather Graham加盟《加州靡情》(Californication)第七季,来自《24》的Mary Lynn Rajskub亦将演出。Heather Graham的角色——来自Han过去的某个女人——相当于一个常规角色(如同第六季的Maggie Grace)。Mary Lynn Rajskub扮演一名神经过敏的作家,三集戏份。


● 获得奥斯卡奖的著名演员Patty Duke和获得艾美奖提名的著名演员Meredith Baxter将客座演出《欢乐合唱团》(Glee)季终集,扮演一对相处了25年的同性恋情侣。据称她们第五季还会继续演出,而且是多集戏份。Blaine准备在季终集向(前)男友Kurt求婚,于是去珠宝店挑选求婚戒指。他在那里遇到了Patty Duke扮演的售货员,两人很投缘。Patty Duke的角色叫来和她在一起生活了25年的女友(Meredith Baxter)向Blaine「传道授业」——教他了解同性恋在一起生活的经验,并表达她们对Blaine的支持和祝福。善于炒作时事的Ryan Murphy在依靠有争议的「校园枪击案」主题集赚回该剧的人气之后,又把目光瞄向了另一个美国人正在热议的话题:同性恋婚姻(虽然这不是新鲜话题,但最近美国的最高法院正在讨论相关案例和法律)。


● Taylor Cole将回归《邪恶力量》(Supernatural),再次扮演她在(古老的)第一季中扮演过的角色——Sarah Blake。如果你还有印象,Sam曾和这个艺廊女主人情意缠绵,但他们的恋情「来去匆匆」。该剧的制片人警告说,任何老面孔的出现都和Sam正在经历的考验有关,因此都不是什么好事情。Taylor Cole出现在8×22中(很有可能出现在回忆情节中,因为这集的标题为《Clip Show》)。


● Joel Grey将客座演出5月20日的《第十三号仓库》(Warehouse 13),扮演一个过气的拉斯维加斯表演者。


● Malin Akerman将回归后天的《郊区故事》(Suburgatory)季终集,再次扮演Tessa的母亲Alex。


● NBC决定清空星期一晚10点档播出波士顿爆炸事件的特别报道,这意味着本周没有《革命》(Revolution)的新集。NBC称这一集将滚动到下周播出。尚不知NBC今后要如何安排该剧的档期——某一周安排该剧播出两集,以确保该剧在5月27日季终,还是将季终日期推迟到6月3日?无论如何,NBC当初制定的「不间断地播出10周」的计划已经被打乱了。

● NBC公布了夏季节目的首播日期。《美国达人》(America’s Got Talent)第八季6月4日播出,至7月10日前每周播出两集(周二集、周三集);7月10日全澳大利亚阵容的新剧《Camp》在周三播出。本季最后一部新剧《上帝救我》(Save Me)从5月23日起在周四播出,每周两集。竞技游戏节目《Get Out Alive With Bear Grylls》从7月8日起在周一播出,从Esquire引过来的《美国忍者》(American Ninja Warrior)7月1日起在周一播出。

● AMC决定将《地狱之轮》(Hell on Wheels)第三季安排在8月3日首播,档期也从周日变更为周六。AMC是这样解释的:我们买了很多经典西部电影,打算在周六连续播出14个小时的西部节目。这14个小时的节目全都可看做《地狱之轮》的「前导节目」,它应该会有很好的人气(因为《地狱之轮》本身也是西部故事)。我们暂时无法判断AMC这是一厢情愿还是确有道理,等着看3×01的收视率数据吧。


● 这里有一组非常「剧透」的《新编福尔摩斯》(Sherlock)片场照,至少我们可以证实第二季结尾福尔摩斯那一「跳」的确跳下去了……至于他如何逃生,就要你通过这些照片来揣测了。


● 据称《单身汉》(The Bachelor)的制片人正慎重考虑让32岁的澳大利亚高尔夫球手Adam Scott成为下一任「单身汉」,但ABC拒绝对此发表任何官方评论。Adam Scott刚刚赢得美国大师赛(美国名人赛)冠军,拉他来「吸引眼球」是我们完全可以理解的事情。问题是……他自己愿意吗?

● 《英国达人》(Britain’s Got Talent)上周的「贴身色情舞」(lap dance)遭人批评,这里是一篇专题文章

● 《杀手之王》(The Following)的剧迷提出一个严肃的问题:为什么这部剧集中好人都是白痴?你可以看看这篇专题文章

● Jennifer Morrison(《传说》)、Naya Rivera(《欢乐合唱团》)、Clare Bowen(《音乐之乡》)和Christa Miller(《熟女镇》)为Allure宽衣解带,你可以在Allure的官网上看到预览照片(NSFW,NSFC)。

● 上周日的《广告狂人》(Mad Men)提到了60年代末、70年代初的重要话题:堕胎违法,避孕药引发一场「革命」。这里有一段解读文字:

A half-sibling for Sally Draper? Not quite yet. In episode three of Mad Men season six, we find out that Megan Draper had a miscarriage after accidentally becoming pregnant. Megan explains she was careless with taking her pill while on vacation in Hawaii, in part due to the time change. Once she confesses the unintended pregnancy to Don, they have a family-planning conversation that would not seem out of place today. Thanks to the pill, which came out in 1960, married couples could time their families like never before, and women like Megan could continue to pursue a career after walking down the aisle — so long as they remembered to take it.

“Everyone knows what the pill is. It is a small object — yet its potential effect upon our society may be even more devastating than the nuclear bomb.” So read “The Pill and the Teen-Age Girl,” a Reader’s Digest article by author Pearl S. Buck from 1968, the same year the current season of Mad Men is set. While many social conservatives blamed the pill for the promiscuity of young unmarried women, 10 years before the pill was approved, half of unmarried women were sexually active anyway. Elaine Tyler May, author of 2010’s America and the Pill: A History of Promise, Peril, and Liberation, argues that it’s not clear how the pill impacted the sexual revolution, but it is certain it led to a revolution in marriage. In the ’60s, it was extremely difficult to get a prescription for the pill if you were not married. Yes, some women worked around this by wearing fake engagement rings to the doctor’s office, but in many states it was illegal to give the pill to unmarried women. By allowing married women — the vast majority of women who had access to the pill — to plan families around desired career or educational goals, May says, the true legacy of the pill was more equality in marriage.

As for abortion, it was illegal in New York and much of the country for the entire ’60s. (New York state passed a law legalizing abortion in 1970, three years before Roe v. Wade.) A pregnant woman could find a doctor to perform an abortion illegally, but that often came with dangerous risks. Thus, in the 1960s the pill was the safest and most effective way to plan families after marriage.



文章评论 (2)
2013-04-17 09:56

The Following keeps letting me down week by week, orz. I’ve tried so hard to believe what it tries to tell me, however, it’s still too hard for me to discover how smart Joe is since he counts on magic much more than anything else in the show. Purefoy is the reason for me to the show, yet he hasn’t started to impress me…

BTW, there’s something else interests me recently, which kind of sounds as rediculous as the show itself. I would like to see how the hell bitchy Clair could be.

2013-04-17 13:59

