
天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-21 1:07


● 在下周二的《妙女神探》(Rizzoli & Isles)中,Maura、Jane和Korsak发现Maura的父亲Paddy用一支枪指着Cavanaugh的脑袋……很显然这两人有一段不愉快的历史。Maura被迫选择她的阵营——站在亲生家庭这一边还是站在「工作家庭」这一边?这件事或许再次警告了Maura:Paddy不是一个能信任的人。


● 《绿箭侠》(Arrow)的制片人Andrew Kreisberg出来澄清事实:嘿,你们误解我的意思了!Caity Lotz的确会演出第二季,但她的角色只是「开启了黑丝雀的故事线」,我可没说她扮演的就是黑丝雀!他还举了其他角色的例子来证明自己的观点:

“Everything about our show is about origins and evolution. When we met Deathstroke, everyone automatically assumed it was Slade Wilson [Manu Bennett] in the mask, but then we revealed we met Slade Wilson later. With Tommy [Colin Donnell], we thought that that was Merlyn, but Tommy was really the beginning of the Merlyn story because we saw how it evolved to John Barrowman and beyond. Oliver [Stephen Amell] himself, when we first meet him, he’s not the Green Arrow yet. The series itself is an evolution of this character.”

“Everyone knows that Laurel Lance is the Black Canary. That’s the way it is in the comic books, but how we get from A to B is the story of our show. In the same way that Oliver, when we meet him, is the vigilante, but this season he’s going to becoming the Arrow, that’s the step of his journey to eventually becoming the Green Arrow. Laurel Lance right now is a lawyer with a lot of heart and a lot of humanity and courage. But it takes more than that to put on the mask and go out and fight crime. Our series is the evolution of that. People will see how Caity Lotz fits into Laurel’s journey along the way. For us, it’s very emotional and surprising and exciting. I would say to everybody, we haven’t let you down so far. Keep going on this ride with us.”

好吧,那些希望Laurel成为黑丝雀的剧迷可以暂时放心了。不过Dinah Drake既与Laurel Lance有关系,也与黑丝雀有关系,因为她在漫画中的确是第一代黑丝雀。Dinah Drake是黑丝雀出生时的名字,她后来改名Dinah Laurel Lance。如果该剧打算将Dinah Drake和Laurel Lance拆分成两个角色的话,那么Caity Lotz扮演Dinah Drake也是有可能的。

● 《真爱如血》(True Blood):扮演Steve Newlin的Michael McMillian称该剧的确会死一个角色,这次死亡事件会动摇该剧的根基。

“I obviously can’t say who it is, but I was definitely surprised when I found out.”

● 已证实《新编福尔摩斯》(Sherlock)第三季最后一集的集名为《His Last Vow》,这和柯南道尔的一个短篇故事的标题一致。前两集的集名分别为《The Empty Hearse》(原著为《The Empty House》)和《The Sign of Three》(原著为《The Sign of Four》)。


● Jason Momoa将主演Sundance频道的第二部原创剧集《Red Road》。该剧曾命名《The Descendants》,跳过试映环节直接获得六集预订。故事描述西部警长Harold Jensen一边努力维系不稳定的家庭,一边阻止他出生并成长的小镇和邻近的拉马波山印第安人发生火拼。Jason Momoa扮演印第安人Phillip Kopus,曾是一个诈骗犯。Phillip和Harold及其妻子Jean(Julianne Nicholson)是高中校友,但Phillip卷入了Harold双胞胎兄弟的谋杀案,迫使他辍学后逃离美国。风头过去之后,他的父亲派他回到家乡重新建立一个犯罪据点。


● 来自《美人不可貌相》(Drop Dead Diva)的Josh Stamberg将客座演出《为人父母》(Parenthood),扮演一名多集角色。他住在Sarah管理的公寓楼的隔壁,迷人而幽默。这个角色至少演出五集。


● 来自《圣经故事》(The Bible)的Diogo Morgado将客座演出《复仇》(Revenge),在第三季首集中扮演受人尊敬的英俊医生Jorge Velez。



● Fox宣布将《欢乐合唱团》(Glee)第五季的首播时间由9月19日推迟到9月26日。据称如有必要,Fox可能会使用Cory Monteith以前的素材镜头来「瞒天过海」——至少在5×01中这么做。


● 《鲨从天降》(Sharknado)重播时吸引190万观众,比上周第一次播出时增加三成,这足够让Syfy高兴了。

动漫大会专题:可拉传奇 The Legend of Korra 第二卷 预告

动漫大会专题:港湾 Haven S04 预告 2

动漫大会专题:末日孤舰 The Last Ship 全长预告

