
天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-06-10 13:31

《都市女郎》(Girls)S01E09《Leave Me Alone》

Hannah无法按时交房租,而且对一名老同学兼死敌(Jenny Slate)所取得的「巨大成功」颇感嫉妒。尽管心情不好,但她还是得去Grumpy咖啡屋上班,还参加了由以前教过她的一名教授(Michael Imperioli)主持的读书会。Marnie越来越感觉自己难以继续支持Hannah--无论在经济上还是在情感上。Jessa以前的老板(Katherine Hahn)找上门来指责她。Shoshanna决定与一名刚刚结识的网友外出约会。


Selina finds herself in Ohio to support Rep. Roger Furlong (Dan Bakkedahl) for governor, but given the Veep’s low approval rating, he no longer wants the endorsement. Meanwhile, the Clean Jobs Bill comes back to haunt Dan – in the form of a possible Congressional hearing. After Selina tears up in her meeting with Furlong, Mike (Matt Walsh) and Amy (Anna Chlumsky) decide to play up Selina’s tears even more, but have no idea how big a floodgate it will open.

《护士杰姬》(Nurse Jackie)S04E09《Are Those Feathers?》

Jackie, feeling guilty about Eddie and Akalitus getting fired has them over for brunch before their exit interviews. Akalitus tells Jackie she expects her to keep her job. To top off an already complicated morning, Grace refuses to go to school because Jackie hasn’t made it possible for her to switch to public school yet. When Jackie arrives at an overly crowded hospital (another ER in the area is diverting patients), the nurses are wearing armbands and raising money for Eddie and Aalitus. Cruz sees this and makes them shut it down. Instead of doing something, Jackie keeps her head down and works. Zoey is upset and wants Jackie to do something. O’Hara is feeling hormonal and overly pregnant. After a long day of patients, Jackie prompts Zoey to go around Cruz to get a patient what she needs, he loses it on Jackie and starts to have a pulmonary episode. Coop admits him upstairs get him out of Jackie’s way. And with a bunch of angry patients and an overflowing waiting room, Jackie takes over the ER: Today, they’re gonna do it her way.

《舞动青春》(Shake It Up)S02E23《Reality Check It Up》

CeCe and Rocky throw a viewing party to watch “Shake It Up, Chicago’s” feature story on a national TV show, but are shocked when the show makes ridiculous claims that CeCe has a crush on Gunther and Rocky is a major diva.

