星期四:生活大爆炸 S08E08

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-11-06 23:45

《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)S08E08《The Prom Equivalency》



Penny is cleaning out her closet since she needs room for all her new business clothes. She is even folding them now. Among other items, she comes across her prom dress. Both Amy and Bernadette had terrible proms, while Penny went to seven. They want to dress up their guys and redo their prom, however Penny doesn’t like the idea. The guys are mixed about the prom idea. Leonard is excited to take a date as pretty as Penny. Sheldon gives them a lecture. Bernadette is all excited. Howard is not happy because Stuart is coming and Howard figures he is bringing his mother as his date. Sheldon goes to see Penny since he knows that she isn’t happy about the prom. He tells her that he can get through the night by pretending to be an alien. Sheldon did the same thing the night he went to see her play above the bowling alley. Leonard is helping Sheldon fix the tie on his tuxedo acting as his Alfred to Sheldon’s Bruce Wayne. Leonard tells him not to feel any pressure about the normal after prom activities that usually occur between dates especially since he doesn’t seem to have any hormones.

Leonard goes to pickup Penny who is wearing her old red prom dress. Both look into each other’s eyes quite lovingly. Amy comes out wearing a blue dress and she tells Sheldon that he looks handsome. Penny asks Sheldon if he thinks that Amy looks beautiful and he runs off saying that he can’t do this.

Leonard escorts Penny to the roof which has been decorated for their dance. Even Penny is happy with their job and is getting into the mood. First they admit that they probably wouldn’t have approached each other to dance if they had met at their proms. Then they have a moment that ends in a good cry showing that they are definitely in love.

Howard, Bernadette, Raj and Emily are in a limo. Emily is talking about her tattoos and Cinderella’s step-sisters who removed their toes to fit in the glass slipper. They stop and pick up Stuart and his date, Jeannie, the second cousin that Howard lost his virginity to. He starts arguing with Stuart about his Mom and his cousin.

Sheldon is in his room with Amy standing by the door. He is having a panic attack about how handsome he looks and the pressure of all those mating rituals.

Penny and Leonard are dancing even though there is no music. She is wearing her flats while Leonard has on heels. She asks him if he wants to take a picture of the two of them and send it to his old chess club buddies. Leonard did that of her in a bikini years ago. Penny just wants a prom without any drama. Switch to the limo with everybody arguing.

Back outside Sheldon’s room, Amy says that she is going to the prom without him. Sheldon opens the door to come stop her by saying “I really did think you looked pretty”. She stops in her tracks “You did?”. He explains that’s why he felt overwhelmed. There’s a lot of pressure on him about after-prom traditions. Amy says “just because it is prom, doesn’t mean we have to spend the night together”. “but you were hoping that we would?”. Amy says “I’m always hoping”. Amy then reassures him again that she is putting no pressure on him though she would like more in their relationship. Amy said that there was going to be no pressure on him tonight. Sheldon thanks her for understanding. Amy says that there is something she has was something that she has wanted to tell him, but she understands if he doesn’t feel the same way. Sheldon then surprises Amy by saying that he loves her too. Amy goes into shock and runs into Sheldon’s room with a panic attack. Sheldon calls to her that just because he said I love you it doesn’t mean that girls are allowed in his room. Amy leaves as Sheldon swats on her bottom.

Final scene contains the portraits that Raj takes of the prom couples.


