星期四:生活大爆炸 S08E14

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2015-02-05 22:10

《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)S08E14《The Troll Manifestation》



While Penny and Leonard are eating dinner together, Penny asks about his on-going work with the particle detector. Leonard is impressed, even though Penny did write it down on a napkin from a previous day’s discussion. Their talk gives Leonard an idea, and he runs off to discuss it with Sheldon. Working on Leonard’s idea, Sheldon thinks Leonard has something. Sheldon is really impressed and gives Leonard a sticker with a kitty on it. Even though Leonard is defensive that he is not a preschooler, he does take the sticker since it’s one of the few compliments Sheldon has ever given him.

Later that night, Sheldon has finished a paper on their work. First, Leonard wonders why Sheldon wrote a paper about his idea. Sheldon says that it is their idea since he did help him with it. Leonard thinks the paper is good, and together they both click the mouse to post it on the Internet.

The girls are getting together for movie night. Amy and Bernadette want to watch Penny’s gorilla movie. Penny doesn’t, but they do find it and start to watch it. Five seconds in, Bernadette knows this is going to be a train wreck.

Raj and Howard have some great news: the paper is getting a lot of great comments, save one person named “GeneralRelativity”, who makes some harsh comments. Leonard tells Sheldon to ignore that one person until he makes some more cracks about Leonard and Sheldon.

Penny is suffering through watching her movie until she finally turns it off. Penny then digs up a video of an adorable little Bernadette Maryann Rostenkowski campaigning for Miss California Quiznos in 1999. Bernadette is horrified, while Amy wants her to play it again.

In the apartment, they have not found any more comments from “GeneralRelativity”, so Sheldon comments that they are both professionals; they stand behind their paper and his mother.

Bernadette is embarrassed about her beauty pageant past, then blurts out that Amy writes “Little House on the Prairie” fan fiction that includes herself and Sheldon. Penny finds it and starts reading about a guy named Cooper travelling back in time and meeting a woman named Amelia.

Still discussing the disparaging comments, they wonder why the guy hasn’t responded, and then Sheldon gets an Internet video call. Sheldon freaks out and slams his computer shut, thus not talking the call.

Penny and Bernadette are having a good time reading Amy’s story. They get excited reading about how Amelia is reacting to the man from the future named Cooper as they start to flirt.

The guys decide to confront this troll, while Sheldon wonders what this guy has accomplished in his life. They return the call and find out that it was Professor Hawking. When asked if he didn’t like their paper, he admits that, after forty years in a wheelchair, one gets bored. Leonard and Sheldon are so glad Hawking likes their work, and even Howard has to admit it’s pretty cool.

Still reading Amy’s story, Amelia is helping Cooper fix his time machine. He’s about to leave and then admits that there is no future without her. As he reaches for her, Leonard runs in with his exciting news that Professor Hawking liked their paper. Penny and Bernie shout at him, “GET OUT!”

Finally, Cooper and Amelia (Sheldon and Amy) are seen with Cooper being bathed by Amelia. Penny can’t stop reading the story, even in bed with Leonard. As Amelia starts to sponge off Cooper, Leonard gets weirded out and turns over to go to sleep.


