星期四:生活大爆炸 S08E18

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2015-03-12 23:38

《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)S08E18《The Leftover Thermalization》

某杂志在一篇文章中提到了Leonard和Sheldon撰写的那篇论文,但是他们只说了Leonard的名字而没有说Sheldon的名字!与此同时,Wolowitz夫人家中发生停电事故,她冰箱里的东西全都解冻了,于是……众人决定吃掉Debbie Wolowitz生前做的最后一餐,算是告慰她的在天之灵!

已证实Leonard和Sheldon将在四月的某集中前往加州的马林郡——卢卡斯天行者农场(Skywalker Ranch)。他们的目的?拜访乔治-卢卡斯本人!

已证实Matt Bennett将在剧中扮演Wolowitz(同父异母)的弟弟Josh,他出现在4月9日的新集中。Wolowitz此前从未提到自己有这个弟弟,但Josh会「突然出现在他家门口」。Wolowitz的父亲在他年仅11岁时抛弃了他和母亲。


Amy and Sheldon are returning to the apartment while he is finishing a recitation of pi to one thousand places. Amy is thrilled. Sheldon gets his Scientific American magazine which has an article on the theory that Leonard proposed and Sheldon helped develop, but they only mention Sheldon as having worked on it.

Raj and Howard head over to his mother’s house to go through her things.

Sheldon tells Leonard about the omission of his name in the article and tries to help by giving him a massage and mentioning that Steve Ditko is never mentioned as a co-creator of Spider-Man; only Stan Lee is ever mentioned. Leonard is very unhappy.

Stuart tells Howard that there is no power to the freezer which will cause all the food to go bad since it can’t be refrozen. Howard decides to invite everyone over for a meal and it will be like its the last time his mother cooked for the gang.

Leonard is depressed so Penny proposes to buy him a helicopter with a camera (drone) making him feel better. Sheldon finds out that the author of the article has been following his work for years and only did the article because Sheldon’s name was connected with it.

On the way to the Wolowitz house, both Sheldon and Leonard are complaining to their girls about the magazine article.

Howard finds strange things in the freezer like cake from his Bar mitzvah. The meal consists of three briskets, four meat loafs, ravioli, and a tub of matzo ball soup. Table discussions includes that the meal feels like they are in a French salon due to the lack of lighting, Leonard’s name being forgotten in the article and female equality among super heroes. Finally when a food fight almost starts, Bernadette gets angry and demands that Sheldon and Leonard go into the living room. She is heard yelling a the top of her voice. Howard wants to know if everyone thinks that she sounds like his mother. No one ever noticed that.

Finally everyone is overstuffed lying around the living room. Someone says that the research paper was mentioned in another magazine and that Leonard was credited. A dishearten “yay” is heard as Bernie comes down the steps saying that she found the Tums for their upset stomachs. A bigger “yay” is then heard. Finis.


