
天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-10-05 22:32

曾经获得奥斯卡奖的电影演员哈莉-贝瑞(Halle Berry)将主演斯皮尔伯格挂名开发的CBS新剧《传世》(Extant)。CBS跳过试映环节直接给予该剧13集预订,并安排它在明年夏天播出。CBS对这个项目如此果断显然是因为Amblin电视制片公司开发的另一部科幻悬疑剧《苍穹下》(Under The Dome)今年夏天出人意料地大热(《苍穹下》同样跳过试映环节直接获得了13集预订)。媒体普遍认为这两部剧集明年夏天会作伴播出,从而形成一个不常见的「斯皮尔伯格剧集之夜」。《传世》被描述成一部未来主义的惊悚剧,故事描述一个女宇航员(哈莉-贝瑞)在外太空待了一年之后返回家中,尝试与关系疏远的丈夫和儿子进行沟通。然而她在太空中的经历和回家后的经历相互交织在一起,引发了一连串不可预见的事件,人类历史的进程很可能因此而改变。这是哈莉-贝瑞职业生涯中主演的第一部常规电视剧集(她演过电视电影),CBS曾邀请她演出《国土》(Homeland)和《人质》(Hostages),但都被她拒绝。



“There’s only one Halle Berry and we are incredibly honored that she has chosen EXTANT to expand her illustrious career. As she does with everything she touches, she will bring a deep authenticity to her role and I very much look forward to working with her.”


“I’m always on the lookout for amazing roles and when you see material that contains this strong of auspices, nuance and complexity it compels me to run toward it no matter the medium. For five months a year I’ll get to live with and play this incredibly intelligent and vulnerable woman, and for the remainder of the year I’ll continue to look for other roles that move me as deeply as this one. I’ve found amazing partners in CBS’s Nina Tassler and Les Moonves, and the incredible Steven Spielberg, along with his Amblin production team, whose vision and creativity in storytelling is unparalleled.”

