星期二:那是谁的创意? S09E01-E02 (复活季)

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-16 23:06

《那是谁的创意》(Whose Line Is It Anyway?)

本节目是多年前被取消的同名节目的「复活版」,由Aisha Tyler主持,来自原节目的Ryan Stiles、Wayne Brady和Colin Mochrie将参与新版节目。此外,每一集都会有一名客座嘉宾参与节目。嘉宾和三位参与者将发挥自己的喜剧特长,现场表演一系列即兴喜剧游戏,表演的主题和创意由现场观众决定。主持人Aisha Tyler负责给他们打分并评出当集冠军。该节目原本是一个英国节目,后来改编成美国版在ABC播出了八季(国内也有一个改编版,你应该知道它的名字)。第一集的嘉宾为《行尸走肉》(The Walking Dead)的Lauren Cohan,第二集的嘉宾为《欢乐合唱团》(Glee)的Kevin McHale。


S09E01《Lauren Cohan》

SURVIVING COMEDY – WITH GUEST STAR APPEARANCE BY LAUREN COHAN (“THE WALKING DEAD”) – Hosted by comedian Aisha Tyler, cast members Ryan Stiles, Wayne Brady and Colin Mochrie, along with guest comedian Gary Anthony Williams (“Mad”) put their comedic skills to the test through a series of spontaneous improv games that are prompted only by random ideas supplied by the studio audience. The four performers must use the little information they have and their wild imaginations to depict different characters and an array of scenes, as well as perform songs. After each round of improvisation, Aisha will dole out points to our four performers and declare a winner at the end of every episode. Directed by Geraldine Dowd (#111).


S09E02《Kevin McHale》

SINGING FOR JOY – WITH GUEST STAR APPEARANCE BY KEVIN MCHALE (“GLEE”) – Hosted by comedian Aisha Tyler, cast members Ryan Stiles, Wayne Brady and Colin Mochrie, along with guest comedian Heather Ann Campbell (“Saturday Night Live”) put their comedic skills to the test through a series of spontaneous improv games that are prompted only by random ideas supplied by the studio audience. The four performers must use the little information they have and their wild imaginations to depict different characters and an array of scenes, as well as perform songs. After each round of improvisation, Aisha will dole out points to our four performers and declare a winner at the end of every episode. Directed by Geraldine Dowd (#103).


