标签:TV Movie

星期三:LUV (电视电影)

On the heels of the wildly successful debut of BET PREMIERE CINEMA’S original movie, BEING MARY JANE, the Network is announcing the world television broadcast premiere of LUV starring Common and introducing Michael Rainey Jr. In addition to original BET-created films, BET PREMIERE CINEMA introduces audiences to critically-acclaimed independent films and documentaries – both never-before-seen and those that have completed their theatrical run. Exclusively sponsored by the 2013 Toyota Avalon, LUV debuts on August 7th at 9PM ET/PT with limited commercial interruption. Nominated ......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-08-07 23:08阅读更多...

星期六:Hunt For The Labyrinth Killer (电视电影)

Young, ace assistant DA, Shelby Cook, works with driven cop, Mike Holland, to catch Daedalus, a serial killer infamous for luring his victims to their deaths through labyrinth traps. Three innocent men have already taken the fall for Daedalus and when Daedalus strikes again, Shelby finds herself defending the latest man accused, a retired and respected judge–who also happens to be her own father.

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-08-03 19:12阅读更多...

星期六:Hidden Away (电视电影)

A woman and young daughter escape her abusive husband by faking their deaths. Eight years later she is happily living in the upscale Palm Springs with her now-17-year-old daughter. When her husband discovers they are still alive, he tracks them down and spies on them to learn all about the new life they’ve created until he can exact his revenge.

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-27 21:57阅读更多...

星期六:Second Chances (电视电影)

Hallmark Channel Original Movie World Premiere; Saturday, July 27 (9p.m. ET/PT, 8C); Starring: Alison Sweeney, Greg Vaughan, Edward Asner, Charlotte Labadie, Benjamin Stockham; Jenny McLean (Sweeney) is a single mom working at a 911-call center struggling to make ends meet and raise her two kids, Elsie (Labadie) and Luke (Stockham). Although still reeling from her divorce, Jenny can’t help but flirt when she gets emergency calls from Jeff (Vaughan), a local firefighter she nicknames “Cowboy” for his handsome voice. But when she gets a call that Jeff has been hurt in a f......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-27 21:56阅读更多...

星期一:八级灾难 (迷你剧)

八级灾难 CAT. 8 全球防御技术的新突破带来严重后果,导致一颗直径比地球大四倍的「火球」迎面朝地球撞来。几个小时之后,地球的大气会被燃尽,地球将彻底毁灭,只有一个人——一个被政府驱逐的科学家——能够阻止这场灾难。该剧(片)由Matthew Modine、Maxim Roy和Ted Whittall主演。 本剧(片)是Reelz今年预订的五部科幻迷你剧中的一部,此前我们已经看过这五部中的《Ring of Fire》及《Eve of Destruction》,剩下的两部在八月和九月播出。

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-22 19:12阅读更多...

星期六:The Toyman Killer (电视电影)

The Toyman Killer When psychologist Kate Kovic is asked to evaluate the sanity of a young girl on death row who is exhibiting signs of multiple personality disorder, she has only seven days before the scheduled execution to determine whether the girl is faking her condition to avoid the death penalty or if her personalities are in fact the missing clue to the unsolved murders of The Toyman Killer.

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-21 0:40阅读更多...

星期五:Teen Beach Movie (电视电影)

Teen Beach Movie Teen surfing sweethearts Brady and McKenzie together ride the last epic wave of summer, one that mysteriously carries them into Brady’s favorite movie, the retro surf musical movie, “Wet Side Story.” There, it’s bikers versus surfers for control of the local hangout and everyone spontaneously breaks into song and dance. McKenzie and Brady must try to return to present day, but their lives may be changed forever when they inadvertently alter the movie’s romantic storyline — and the handsome leading man, surfer Tanner is falling for McKe......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-20 0:53阅读更多...

星期四:Blast Vegas (Syfy电视电影)

Blast Vegas 一群玩世不恭的好兄弟带着他们的书呆子朋友Nelson(Frankie Muniz)前往拉斯维加斯过春假,准备痛痛快快地玩一次。其中一人偷走了一家赌场里的古埃及神物,释放出一个可怕的古代诅咒,令这趟玩乐之旅变成噩梦之旅。Barry Bostwick参与演出。

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-18 23:22阅读更多...


● 今天早上起来打开网络后我被吓到了……娱乐媒体上铺天盖地都是《鲨从天降》(Sharknado)的报道、消息和文章。就以《好莱坞记者报》网站的电视专栏为例,它头版10篇文章中竟然有5篇与该片有关,真是史无前例(至少我从1997年开始接触美国娱乐媒体以来还没遇到过这种事情)。应该说它的收视率是非常糟糕的(Syfy的电视电影收视率从来就不高),但它的网络讨论热度远远超乎你的想象——在最疯狂的时候,Twitter上平均每分钟产生5000篇与之相关的微博或评论,总量达到38.7万。《权利的游戏》(Game of Thrones)红色婚礼集那么重要,每分钟也只有2500篇微博和评论产生(当然你不能去和更疯狂的《美少女的谎言》相比,它每集的微博讨论量能突破10......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-13 18:09阅读更多...

星期六:噩梦保姆 (电视电影)

噩梦保姆 Nightmare Nanny Stay-home mom Annie is reluctant to return to work, until she finds Amber, the perfect nanny for her three-year-old daughter Jenny. But as Annie’s young daughter grows closer and closer to Amber, Annie begins to feel like she’s being pushed out of her own life. When Jenny suddenly vanishes one day, Annie’s search for her missing daughter leads her to the terrifying truth about the dark past of the woman she trusted with her child.

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-13 18:05阅读更多...

星期四:鲨从天降 (Syfy电视电影)

鲨从天降 Sharknado 天上飞的是什么?一只鸟?一架飞机?哦,天哪,那是一条鲨鱼!一场超级风暴将鲨鱼从海洋抛到洛杉矶的街道上,某海滨酒吧的常客——包括店主Fin(Ian Ziering)、Fin的前妻April(Tara Reid)、酒保Nova(Casie Scerbo)和当地醉鬼George(John Heard)——决定联手调查这罕见的「鲨从天降」的生态奇观。

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-11 22:43阅读更多...

星期六:安娜-妮可 (电视电影)

安娜-妮可 Anna Nicole Agnes Bruckner将在Lifetime原创电视电影《安娜-妮可》中扮演主人公Anna Nicole Smith。这个女人的一生充满了令电影人为之疯狂的「传奇元素」——她是一个漂亮的普通女孩,发誓要成名、过上富裕生活,后来当上花花公子模特,再后来嫁给比自己年纪大65岁的石油大亨,结婚13个月后90高龄的丈夫就死了,然后她的儿子也死了,然后是遗产纠纷、肖像权纠纷,最后自己因为服药过量而悲惨地死去。安娜-妮可一生最崇拜的人是玛丽莲-梦露,到最后她竟落得和梦露一样的结局,实在令人扼腕。 花絮:Agnes Bruckner本人是B罩杯,但Anna Nicole Smith是出了名的D+罩杯。为了快速提升「胸部尺寸」,聪明的道具组发明了一种可以以假乱......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-06-29 17:30阅读更多...

星期六:Banner 4th of July (电视电影)

Banner 4th of  July “BANNER 4TH OF JULY” – Hallmark Channel Original Movie World Premiere; Saturday, June 29 (9p.m. ET/PT, 8C); Starring: Brooke White, Christian Campbell, Mercedes Ruehl, Michael Barbuto; Desiree Banner (White) may own her own record company but she has struggled to find her perfect melody since leaving the band she once headlined with her brothers Mitchell (Campbell) and Johnny (Barbuto). Her departure from the band, The Banners Project, led her into a marriage that was doomed to fail and deeply damaged her relationship with Mitchell, whom she has......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-06-29 17:28阅读更多...

星期四:独立日之难 (Syfy电视电影)

独立日之难 Independence Day-Saster 外星人在美国独立日入侵地球,人类防御力量不堪一击,美国总统乘坐的直升机也被击落了。总统的兄弟(一个小镇英雄)和一个叛逆的科学家必须联手找到外星人的弱点并击败他们。Ryan Merriman、Tom Everett Scott、Emily Holmes和Andrea Brooks主演。 看起来Syfy为这部电视电影花了点血本。

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-06-27 23:29阅读更多...

星期六:Jodi Arias: Dirty Little Secret (电视电影)

Jodi Arias: Dirty Little Secret 本周六Lifetime将播出另一部「女性杀人」主题的电视电影《Jodi Arias: Dirty Little Secret》。该片根据真人真事改编,主人公Jodi Arias(Tania Raymonde,《迷失》)是一位美貌迷人、年仅28岁的摄影师,但是警方怀疑她杀害了旧情人Travis Alexander(Jesse Lee Soffer)。警方在犯罪现场看到了一具惨不忍睹的尸体——Travis裸身死在公寓的浴室里,脖子被割开,身上被捅了27刀,脑门上还中了一枪。监控录像显示Jodi Arias就是杀人凶手,但她坚称自己是为了自卫才杀死Travis。这起案件在美国人津津乐道的「十大女性杀人案」中榜上有名——此前我们已经看过Lifetime拍摄的该排行榜上的另外几起案件,包括Amanda......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-06-22 18:09阅读更多...