
星期日:撕破黑 S01E07

《撕破黑》(True Detective)S01E07《After You’ve Gone》 Hart和Cohle决定和解,两人共同调查一系列可疑的失踪事件。他们怀疑这些事件与Dora Lange谋杀案及Tuttle家族都有关联。

DONATINO2014-03-02 23:02阅读更多...


今日重点 ● 来自澳大利亚的消息称原《遥远的星际》(Farscape)编剧组成员Justin Monjo已经写好了一个电影版剧本。在这个剧本中,John Crichton(Ben Browder)和Aeryn Sun(Claudia Black)的儿子逐渐长大并显现出不同寻常的特殊能力,邪恶的外星人试图寻找他,于是John和Aeryn将他藏到地球上。他的真实身份在他19岁的时候曝光了,于是他回到Moya号与父母团聚。如果你是该剧的剧迷……不要高兴得太早,「剧本」与「真实电影」还有千山万水之隔,任何一个环节出了问题,这个项目就泡汤了。有消息称这个项目成为DVD直录电影或Syfy电视电影的可能性要远大于真正的电影,而且这个「儿子」亦有可能成为一部潜在剧集的主人公。1998年播出的《遥远......

DONATINO2014-02-26 0:43阅读更多...

星期日:撕破黑 S01E06

《撕破黑》(True Detective)S01E06《Haunted Houses》 Maggie(Michelle Monaghan)回忆起Cohle在2002年的情况——当时他与Hart的关系彻底破裂并彻底退出了警队。  

DONATINO2014-02-23 22:49阅读更多...

星期日:撕破黑 S01E05

《撕破黑》(True Detective)S01E05《The Secret Fate of All Life》 Hart和Cohle分享一起案件侦破后的「胜利成果」;Papania和Gilbough带着令人不安的新情报找到两位侦探。

DONATINO2014-02-16 17:57阅读更多...

星期日:撕破黑 S01E03

《撕破黑》(True Detective)S01E03《The Locked Room》 Cohle和Hart根据焚毁的教堂中隐藏的一幅画找到充满个人魅力的牧师Joel Theriot(Shea Whigam),他的教众称一个看上去很可怕的高个子男人曾和Dora Lange在一起。他们将一名符合教众描述的强奸犯带到警局进行讯问,尽管此人提供了一份供述,但Cohle还是排除了他的嫌疑。Maggie试图撮合Cohle和自己的一个朋友在C&W酒吧约会。Cohle通过旧案卷宗来寻找凶犯的谋杀模式,他很快发现一个多年前被淹死的女人可能和他们在调查的案件有关联。

DONATINO2014-01-27 0:06阅读更多...

星期日:撕破黑 S01E02

《撕破黑》(True Detective)S01E02《Seeing Things》 当地警方迫于压力必须尽快确定一名Lange谋杀案的嫌疑人。Quesada警告Hart和Cohle,他们有可能被三名来自一个新执法小组的侦探取代。两人决定利用业余时间来调查一个线索,他们先走访了一家乡村妓院,然后来到一座被焚毁的教堂。Hart与Maggie的婚姻已经因为Hart过于繁忙的工作而濒临破裂,Hart发现自己只有离开家才能找到临时的宁静。

DONATINO2014-01-19 23:32阅读更多...

星期日:撕破黑 S01E01 (新剧)

《撕破黑》(True Detective)S01E01《The Long Bright Dark》 这是一部多视角、多时间段的连续剧,主人公是两个侦探——Rust Cohle(Matthew McConaughey)和Martin Hart(Woody Harrelson),他们的生活与17年前发生在路易斯安那州的连环谋杀案交织在一起。1995年,妓女Dora Lange惨遭谋杀,种种迹象表明凶手是一名连环谋杀犯。狡猾的凶手不仅没有留下任何蛛丝马迹,而且处处比警方棋高一着。警方对这起让人感到头疼的案件查无头绪,案件一拖就是17年。 2012年,警方发现新的证据后决定重启Dora Lange谋杀案的调查工作,当年负责该案的Rust和Martin再次成为办案侦探。他们以为自己能够逃避那段痛苦的历史,但那段历史却不愿放过他们。......

DONATINO2014-01-12 17:36阅读更多...


The “A” team might wear black hoodies and send threatening notes, but the town of Ravenswood has darkness running through its veins. Tomorrow, Pretty Little Liars spin-off Ravenswood debuts when PLL‘s Caleb finds himself in a new town where a curse connects him to four other individuals. But what’s the curse, and why were these five teens chosen? That’s what will be explored in the new series from the team that brought you Rosewood, “A,” and countless shocking revelations. We talked with Ravenswood executive producer and co-creator Oliver Goldstick about what we can expect from the new ......

DONATINO2013-10-22 23:49阅读更多...

《密情》执行制片人Matt Corman和Chris Ord谈Annie的“黑生活”、出人意料的盟友

来源:TVLINE Covert Affairs Season 4 SpoilersWarning: The following contains spoilers from Tuesday’s midseason finale of Covert Affairs. If you have yet to watch, avert your eyes now. Everyone else, proceed… Desperate times call for desperate measures, and that was certainly the case on Tuesday’s Covert Affairs, which saw a framed Annie faking her death and going on the run. TVLine chatted up executive producers Matt Corman and Chris Ord to find out how the spy gal will survive in her new surroundings and how it will change the show moving forward. Plus, will Eyal — who made a surprise r......

DONATINO2013-09-19 1:10阅读更多...

《陨落星辰》(Falling Skies)演员Drew Roy谈“黑Hall”

来源:娱乐周刊 Ever since an alien parasite wormed its way into the head of the oldest Mason brother, Hal has been creeping out viewers all season long on Falling Skies. Tonight the TNT sci-fi show ramped up the creep-out and the shocker factor of the evil Hal storyline. Drew Roy, who plays Hal on Falling Skies, delivered a chilling performance in tonight’s episode as Hal took his own father (Noah Wyle) hostage, threatening to kill him if he didn’t reveal the details of the mysterious Vohm tech being prepped for an attack against the invading Espheni aliens, and revealing to all of Charl......

DONATINO2013-07-09 22:54阅读更多...

《贝茨旅馆》执行制片人Carlton Cuse谈Norman的黑秘密

来源:好莱坞记者报 Monday’s Bates Motel changed everything we previously knew about young Norman Bates. In a bid to guard themselves before turning Shelby into police for the sex ring he’s been a part of, things naturally go astray when the deputy shows up at the motel and learns the Bates family is on to his secret. And that’s just the beginning. Following a bloody shootout inside the motel, Dylan winds up being the last man standing and tells Norma that he’s going to tell the police — who are en route — the truth, including all of the family’s ......

DONATINO2013-04-23 22:42阅读更多...

《贝茨旅馆》执行制片人Kerry Ehrin谈Norman的黑秘密

来源:好莱坞记者报 The law in White Pine Bay really isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. During Monday’s Bates Motel, Deputy Shelby (Mike Vogel) goes out on a limb to help Norma (Vera Farmiga) after Sheriff Romero (Nestor Carbonell) searches the motel in his quest to find out what happened to Keith Summers. Worried that Romero found Keith’s belt — which Norman (Freddie Highmore) has no excuse for keeping and hiding — Norma takes one for the team to protect her family. Haunted by the violent image of killing his teacher and a conversation that never happene......

DONATINO2013-04-03 22:42阅读更多...

《尼基塔》剧集总监Craig Silverstein谈“组织”的内奸危机、Alex和Sean的关系及Ryan“堕入黑”的可能

来源:TVLINE After a lengthy winter hiatus, Nikita resumes this Friday (The CW, 8/7c) with an installment that will rock Michael to his core when a much-talked about “gnarly” fate befalls him. But there’s much more to Division than just ‘Mikita,’ and the rest of the crime-fighting squad is in for quite the new year as well. Here, showrunner Craig Silverstein chats with TVLine about Division’s major mole problem, Alex and Sean’s romance woes and Ryan’s potential turn to the dark side.  TVLINE | Let’s talk about this mole business. Can we trust Sonya’s claims that there’s a second i......

DONATINO2013-01-19 19:15阅读更多...