标签:Bob’s Burgers


Fox紧随NBC之后公布了秋季节目首播时间表。Fox没有转播奥运会的资格,因此不会像NBC那样安排一些重点节目在八月份播出。但Fox还是安排《X元素》(The X Factor)、《欢乐合唱团》(Glee)、《识骨寻踪》(Bones)和新剧《黑帮天使》(The Mob Doctor)提前两周播出(今年秋季档正式开播时间为9月24日)。这完全可以理解--《X元素》是Fox秋季的主打节目,也是Fox秋季真人秀节目的旗舰;《豪斯医生》(House)结束后,《识骨寻踪》成了Fox故事类回归剧的旗舰;《欢乐合唱团》(Glee)是Fox喜剧和音乐剧的旗舰,而《黑帮天使》是Fox今年重点宣传和推介的新剧。 Fox的详细节目安排如下: 9月12日星期三:《X元素》(The X Factor)新季首......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-06-19 13:46阅读更多...


《都市女郎》(Girls)S01E06《The Return》 Hannah的父母让她飞回密歇根州参加他们结婚三十周年的庆祝仪式。尽管他们希望Hannah一切遵照他们的计划,但Hannah还是「擅自行动」了。与此同时,Hannah与一些高中同学重逢,但他们正在哀悼镇上发生的一起不幸事件。 《军嫂》(Army Wives)S06E13《General Complications》(半季终) Frank questions his resolve as a soldier. Michael is permanently promoted to Corps Commander and receives a 3rd Star. Audrey tells CJ she helped Michael get the promotion and demands payback. Roland and Joan grapple with David’s desire to spend time with his biological father. Hec......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-05-20 16:14阅读更多...


进度 注:2012年广播网的电视节目展示周暨广告投资洽谈会(upfronts)于5月13日-18日举行,本《指南》将持续滚动更新,直至展示周结束。 最后更新时间:5月26日 16:10 NBC新季信息及新剧预告片……….(信息已更新)(预告片已更新) FOX新季信息及新剧预告片……….(信息已更新)(预告片已更新) ABC新季信息及新剧预告片……….(信息已更新)(预告片已更新) CBS新季信息及新剧预告片……….(信息已更新)(预告片已更新) CW新季信息及新剧预告片……….(信息已更新)(预告片已更新) 2012-2013播出季广播网与有线网夏季剧集 夏季节目时间表:htt......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-05-17 23:57阅读更多...


FOX于凌晨公布了2012年秋季时间档期表。FOX最值得关注的变化为:如媒体所预计的将星期二打造成「喜剧之夜」(四部情景喜剧连播);《欢乐合唱团》(Glee)被移动到星期四与《X元素》(The X Factor)作伴;《触摸未来》(Touch)被移动到星期五,和《危机边缘》(Fringe)组成「科幻之夜」。FOX一共预订了五部新剧,其中三部在秋季播出,两部在2013年冬春季播出。 星期一(2012年秋季):《识骨寻踪》(Bones)、《黑帮天使》(The Mob Doctor) 星期一(2013年冬春季):《杀手之王》(The Following) 星期二(2012年秋季):《孕育希望》(Raising Hope)、《我的奶爸》(Ben And Kate)、《男与女》(New Girl)、《明迪烦事多》(The......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-05-14 22:30阅读更多...


《军嫂》(Army Wives)S06E12《Blood Relative》 Roland and Joan meet with CJ to discuss legal issues surrounding Marcus, David’s biological father. Denise offers CJ her kidney as Frank protests the risks. Hector thinks Gloria should quit working because he doesn’t like her flirting with customers. Roxy has good news for Trevor. 《复仇者:地球的超级英雄》(The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes)S02E07《Who Do You Trust?》 The Avengers are torn apart when Nick Fury returns and reveals that the shapeshifting alien Skrulls have begun infiltrating Earth. The situation becom......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-05-12 22:02阅读更多...


● ABC今天一口气续订了四部故事剧、三部情景喜剧和三个真人秀。基本上我长期坚持看的剧集(节目)都获得续订了……所以对我来说没有什么遗憾。 获得续订的ABC故事剧:《传说》(Once Upon A Time)、《复仇》(Revenge)、《实习医生格蕾》(Grey’s Anatomy)、《灵书妙探》(Castle) 获得续订的ABC情景喜剧:《郊区故事》(Suburgatory)、《当代家庭》(Modern Family)、《中之道》(The Middle) 获得续订的ABC真人秀:《单身汉》(The Bachelor)、《与星共舞》(Dancing With The Stars)、《Shark Tank》,其中《Shark Tank》首次获得全季预订 尚等待ABC公布续订声明的剧集包括《幸福终点站》(Happy Endings)、《最后的男人......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-05-11 18:41阅读更多...


《极速前进》(The Amazing Race)S20E11《It’s a Great Place to Become Millionaires Part 1 & Part 2》(季终) The final four Teams battle for the $1 million prize in a grueling two-hour season finale that starts in Japan, where Racers call upon their track skills for an exhausting Japanese game show, and concludes in Hawaii, where Teams hit the waves to put their rescue mission skills to the test. 《军嫂》(Army Wives)S06E11《Fallout》 Roland meets a man, Marcus, who claims to be David’s biological father. Michael investigates the incident at the orphanage in Africa. Jack......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-05-06 15:02阅读更多...


《极速前进》(The Amazing Race)S20E10《I Need Hair To Be Pretty (Cochin, India)》 One determined Racer powers through pain in the wake of a physical misstep, and teams pull out all of the bells and whistles for a larger than life challenge, on THE AMAZING RACE, Sunday, April 29 (8:00-9:01 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Phil Keoghan is host. 《军嫂》(Army Wives)S06E10《After Action Report》 Denise worries about Frank when he comes back restless from Africa. Jackie feels overwhelmed and alone with all of her army duties. Roxy and Trevor help Gloria and Hector when the two run......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-04-29 17:18阅读更多...


《极速前进》(The Amazing Race)S20E08《Let Them Drink Their Haterade》 The Race takes an unexpected turn when an early alliance is betrayed, and an unforgiving team savors the opportunity to exact their revenge in a game twist. 《军嫂》(Army Wives)S06E08《Casualites》 The troops land in Africa, where Tanya and Dr. Hanson work to save a wounded sergeant. Claudia Joy stays home while Denise and Jackie visit the sergeant’s family. Roxy encourages Min-Ji, a quiet, withdrawn wife, to participate in FRG. Roland learns Charlie is in a relationship. Troops standoff against tribal militi......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-04-15 14:22阅读更多...


《加州靡情》(Californication)S05E12《Hell Ain’t A Bad Place To Be》(季终) In the Season 5 finale, Hank discovers the bartender at a local watering hole is his late friend Lew Ashby and wonders if he’s in Hell. Richard makes a startling announcement about Hank and Karen. Hank tries to make things right with Becca, but her news about Tyler leaves him stunned. On the set of “Santa Monica Cop,” Sam’s jealousy and fondness for firearms give Charlie an opportunity to show how much he loves his best friend and number-one client; Hank’s arsonist ex-girlfr......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-04-01 19:34阅读更多...


《极速前进》(The Amazing Race)S20E06《This Is Wicked Strange》 Two Teams hit the hay to see how well they stack up and Racers break out the sponges for an oily detour during the series first-ever trip to Azerbaijan. 《美国老爸》(American Dad!)S07E15《Less Money, Mo’ Problem》 After losing patience with Hayley and Jeff for their freeloading ways, Stan bets the young couple that he and Francine can live on minimum wage for a month. Meanwhile, Steve and Roger embark on a mission to test drive the car of their dreams. 《军嫂》(Army Wives)S06E05《True Colors》 Roxy is presented w......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-03-25 16:29阅读更多...


新剧开发消息 ● 有些新剧连演员还没有招齐(所以我的新剧一览表迟迟未能「开工」),但CW已经公布了《绿箭侠》(Arrow)的首张宣传照。不过,不少人指责这幅宣传照完全抄袭了BBC的历史剧《侠盗罗宾汉》(Robin Hood),就连主要剧情也非常相似(只不过一个是古代戏,一个是现代戏)。该剧描述富有的花花公子Oliver Queen(Stephen Amell)遭遇一场海难,孤身一人在一座荒岛上度过了五年时间,糟糕的野外生存环境让他学会了无与伦比的箭术。获救之后,他决定改过自新,用箭术、武术和高科技装备与邪恶势力战斗,让自己的人生更有意义。这个角色来源于DC漫画,在《超人前传》(Smallville)中是个重要角色。 ● Jason O’Mara也「跳」了......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-03-20 22:57阅读更多...


每周电视节目时间表(美国、英国、加拿大) http://tvfantasy.net/schedule/calendar.html 每周电视节目档期表(停播、首播、回归、季终及剧终) http://tvfantasy.net/schedule/index.html 本周停播 恐惧元素 Fear Factor(待定)绯闻女孩 Gossip Girl(4月2日回归)南国医恋 Hart Of Dixie(4月9日回归)豪斯医生 House M.D.(3月19日回归)老爸老妈的浪漫史 How I Met Your Mother(3月19日回归)追梦女孩 2 Broke Girls(3月19日回归)好汉两个半 Two and a Half Men(3月19日回归)胖子的爱情 Mike & Molly(3月19日回归)天堂执法者 Hawaii Five-0 (2010)(3月19日回归)灵书妙探 Castle(3月19日回归)Antiques Roadshow (US)......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-03-05 18:54阅读更多...


● 10集加拿大历史剧《Copper》开机拍摄。故事发生在19世纪60年代的纽约(1860年前后),主人公Kevin Corcoran(Tom Weston-Jones)是个充满阳刚之美的爱尔兰裔美国人,在当时城中治安环境最差的「五点」社区担任警察。在这个混乱的世界里,他很难找到正义与道德之间的平衡点。与此同时,多年前妻子神秘失踪、女儿惨遭杀害的情景是他心中抹不掉的阴影,他发誓要查出这起事件的真相。Corcoran有两个好朋友,都是他在内战时期的战友。其中一个是来自富人家庭的花花公子Robert Morehouse(Kyle Schmid),十分任性。另一个是黑人医生Matthew Freeman(Ato Essandoh),曼哈顿北方社区里的非裔族群领袖。战场上发生的某件事将这三个男人永远联系......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-02-11 18:54阅读更多...