标签:Phineas and Ferb

星期五:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013-9-13)

《完美匹配》(Perfect Score)S01E10《Dress to Impress》 STRIKE A POSE – In this episode, contestants and best friends Brooklyn and Kelly claim to be as different as night and day when it comes to men. Find out how different they really are when the girls judge the first ever “Perfect Score” fashion show. The show is hosted by fan-favorite actress Arielle Kebbel (“John Tucker Must Die,” “The Vampire Diaries”). The episode was directed by Rob George (#109). 《全美超模大赛》(America’s Next Top Model)S20E08《The Guy Who Cries》 After a cha......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-09-14 0:09阅读更多...

星期五:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年8月16日)

《全美超模大赛》(America’s Next Top Model)S20E04《The Guy who Gets a Weave》 The models get a lesson in chemistry as they pose alongside sexy supermodels Alessandra Ambrossio and Rob Evans in a risque photo shoot. The contestants get make-overs, where, surprisingly, a few of the men have meltdowns over their new looks. 《Phineas and Ferb》S04SP《Mission Marvel》 Spider-Man, Iron Man, Thor and Hulk stand powerless after being struck by Dr. Doofenshmirtz’s power-draining “inator.” Once the Marvel Super Villains – Red Skull, Whiplash, Venom and M.O.D.O.K. &......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-08-11 1:33阅读更多...

星期五:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年8月9日)

《全美超模大赛》(America’s Next Top Model)S20E03《The Girl Who Gets Married Again》 The models have to compete in a vertical runway down the side of a building in the pouring rain. Then, the contestants are paired up and photographed in a mock-wedding photo shoot, which brings back painful memories for a recently divorced model. 《少女保姆》(Jessie)S02E23《Diary of a Mad Newswoman》 Emma and Bryn’s friendship is put to the test when they co-anchor their school’s morning announcements. Meanwhile, after Jessie figures out that Zuri has been reading her diary, she a......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-08-10 0:07阅读更多...

星期五:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年7月12日)

《戏中迷局》(Cult)S01E12《1987》 Stuart要求Nate破译Kellian手稿的副本,但Cameron对Nate是否能发现「Moon Hill」父母的真相始终持怀疑态度。Nate让Allegra给Jeff传递一条信息——如果Allegra能够活着离开的话。Nate告诉Stuart,32名追随者从「Moon Hill」失踪了,还给了Stuart一个电话号码。Nate发现这个号码在手稿的代码中反复出现。Stuart已经知道Jeff和Skye查到了他的真实身份,迫使两人竭力躲避「真实信徒」(True Believers)。与此同时在电视剧《崇拜》中,Billy找到了杀害Kelly和Meadow父母的凶手Henry,并将他囚禁起来。Kelly无法忘记父母遭谋杀的惨状,她的情绪开始失去控制。 《戏中迷局》(Cult)S01E13《Executive Produce......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-12 23:15阅读更多...

星期五:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年7月5日)

《戏中迷局》(Cult)S01E10《The Prophecy of St. Clare》 Skye在电视剧《崇拜》的摄制场地安慰扮演Meadow的女演员Edie MacDonald(Shauna Johannesen)——Edie自称她认出了童年时威胁过她的两个人,她至今仍然惊魂未定。Jeff和Skye拜访了Edie的母亲(Teryl Rothery)。Peter(Ben Hollingsworth)继续监视Skye。与此同时在电视剧《崇拜》中,Billy已接近崩溃的边缘。 《戏中迷局》(Cult)S01E11《Flip the Script》 Jeff和Skye向Kimble博士的助理Allegra(Sheila Vand)询问有关情况,三人随后发现Kimble的实验室已遭人洗劫。Allegra认出Phillip Kellian的手稿几乎与Kimble的一份手稿完全一致。Skye发现Stuart(Jeffrey Pierce)在《崇......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-05 19:24阅读更多...


剧情信息 ● 《苍穹下》(Under The Dome):Mike Vogel在解释他的角色Barbie时表示,作为一个外人,Barbie很容易成为很多事情的替罪羊,他必须运用自己的智慧和能力来度过难关。Barbie和Julia注定会有很多「互动」。Barbie不想当出头鸟(尤其在他埋下一具尸体后,他更不想惹人注意),但他是个好人,在一些事情发生的时候他不得不挺身而出(例如第二集中发生的火灾)。Barbie和Junior的矛盾会持续发展下去,Barbie会看清Junior的为人,并且对Junior各种诡异行为的动机做出判断。Barbie和Angie的故事线未来还会交叉。第二集会告诉你「Barbie」这个绰号的由来……他肯定不是因为迷恋芭比娃娃才叫「Barbie」的…… 1×02片花 此外,很多原版......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-06-29 17:46阅读更多...

星期五:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年6月28日)

《戏中迷局》(Cult)S01E08《The Devil You Know》 Jeff和Skye努力寻找对付Sakelik的证据——他们相信这些证据能够用来要挟Nate,从而获得他们想要的信息。Stuart邀请Roger周末去他在圣巴巴拉的豪宅度假。Skye与母亲共进午餐并讨论起过去。与此同时在电视剧《崇拜》中,Kelly为让妹妹Meadow平安归来与Billy达成一项协议。 《戏中迷局》(Cult)S01E09《Off to See the Wizard》 Jeff和Skye了解到「真实信徒」准备召开一次纳新会议。Skye计划渗透进这个会议,Jeff尾随其后进行策应。当Skye和其他新信徒被带到会议地点时,Jeff却中了调虎离山计,跟错了一辆车。与此同时在电视剧《崇拜》中,Kelly怀疑Billy的追随者绑架了Andy。 《少女......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-06-28 23:12阅读更多...

星期五:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年6月7日)

《少女保姆》(Jessie)S02E16《We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Badges》 Jessie offers to help Zuri earn Butterfly Scout troop badges during a Central Park camping trip. Meanwhile, Luke convinces Ravi that lying is a super power. 《Phineas and Ferb》S04E13《Great Balls of Water》 When Candace thinks Jeremy is bored with their usual hangouts, she sets out to find something unique to do with him. Meanwhile, Phineas and Ferb power through town surfing on a giant ball of water and Doofenshmirtz plans to use his Double-Negative-Inator to confuse his local eatery into giving him a winter......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-06-07 21:46阅读更多...

星期五:其他剧集剧情简介 (2013年5月17日)

《Shark Tank》S04E23 Two women from Alexandria, VA, inspired by their experiences as West Point cadets and U.S. army officers, present their fashion forward jewelry line; a man from Aurora, CO believes he’s perfected the traditional English scone; a self-described “geek” from Lynnwood, WA hopes a deal for his custom, made-to-order furniture will make him cool; and a man from New York aims to help people with his door-to-door luggage pick up service. Also, an update on Aaron Krause from Folcroft, PA and the versatile Scrub Daddy cleaning tool, which Lori Greiner invested......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-05-18 0:17阅读更多...

星期五:其他剧集剧情简介 (2013年4月26日)

《时尚明星》(Fashion Star)S02E08《His and Hers》 The “Fashion Star” designers are tasked to create a design and alter it to complement both a man and a woman. The two pieces must be a reflection of each other, differing in fit and style yet staying true to the same design aesthetic and current trends. Designer Silvia Arguello strives for perfection and the pressure takes its toll, while designer Cassandra Hobbins faces conflict with her pattern maker. Emotions run high and every contestant is brought to tears. The buyers send a 6th designer home. 《卧底老板》(Undercover ......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-04-26 21:51阅读更多...

星期五:其他剧集剧情简介 (2013年4月19日)

《时尚明星》(Fashion Star)S02E07《Night Out on the Town (Fiat Challenge)》 This week, it’s up to the contestants to interpret what a “big night out” means and create a fitting ensemble for their vision – whether it be a big gala, an exclusive party or a night out on the town. Working in teams, the contestants are also paired up to design a photo shoot for Fiat to showcase their latest piece. The 5th designer is sent home. 《Shark Tank》S04E23 Two women from Alexandria, VA, inspired by their experiences as West Point cadets and U.S. army officers, present their......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-04-19 23:06阅读更多...

星期五:其他剧集剧情简介 (2013年3月29日)

《时尚明星》(Fashion Star)S02E04《It’s Getting Hot In Here》 The “Fashion Star” designers must create a garment to complement a summer theme, choosing to create a look for a pool party, tropical vacation or summer in the city. Contestants are thrown a curve ball and must work together in teams, which creates some tension. One contestant becomes the first designer to sell to all three buyers, while a 4th designer is sent home. 《Shark Tank》S04E19 A pair of charismatic entrepreneurs from Los Angeles swim around offers for their device that prevents objects from slip......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-03-28 22:11阅读更多...

星期五:其他剧集剧情简介 (2013年3月1日)

《玛丽和玛莎》(Mary And Martha)S01E01(新剧)(英国) Mary And Martha is written by Richard Curtis and stars Hilary Swank as Mary and Brenda Blethyn as Martha, an American and an Englishwoman who have nothing in common apart from a tragedy that brings them together. Empowered by their friendship they form a partnership that takes them from their meeting in a remote part of Mozambique all the way to Washington – two ordinary mothers doing something extraordinary. Mary is played by Hilary Swank, Martha by Brenda Blethyn, George by Lux Haney-Jardine and Ben by Sam Claflin. 《Shark Tank......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-03-02 0:23阅读更多...

星期五:其他剧集剧情简介 (2013年2月15日)

《少女保姆》(Jessie)S02E09《Jessie’s Big Break》 Jessie gets her big break as a stunt double to popular Australian actress Shaylee Michaels (Maia Mitchell) and the two become fast friends. But chaos ensues when the movie’s director and Shaylee’s boyfriend, MCD (John DeLuca), asks Jessie out on a date. Meanwhile, Emma helps sneak Zuri’s pet zebra into the penthouse. 《Shark Tank》S04E18 Kevin O’Leary makes a $1million dollar offer. Also, six “kidpreneur” inventors aged 12 to 18 from Londonderry, NH, hope to make a deal with their unsafe drivin......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-02-15 20:48阅读更多...

星期五:其他剧集剧情简介 (2013年2月1日)

《权力场》(House of Cards)S01E01(新网络剧) 该剧根据同名小说及英国同名迷你剧改编,主要描述一个冷血无情的美国国会议员及与他同样野心勃勃的妻子在华盛顿高层当中「运作权力」的故事。一部标准的政治剧。 Kevin Spacey扮演主人公Francis Underwood,美国国会多数党领袖,一个老谋深算的职业政客,已经在国会待了很多年。这个老狐狸恨不得与别人握手时都能「吸血」。他坚信新当选的美国总统及其幕僚背叛了他,于是发誓要将这一任总统赶下台。他在立法问题上多次与现任总统作对,并且命令自己一手扶持起来的年轻女记者(Kate Mara)利用新闻武器来帮助他。糟糕的是,当他与这名女记者陷入「通奸」丑闻后,他自己的政治前途蒙上了一......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-02-01 22:21阅读更多...