标签:The Middle

星期三:其他剧集剧情简介 (2012年10月17日)

《泰坦尼克:铁与血》(Titanic: Blood and Steel)E05《Under Lock and Key》 Mark’s story is fully revealed. When he lived in Belfast, he had a girlfriend, Siobhan Doyle. She was supposed to follow him but never did. Siobhan died soon after. His father told him she had died of TB. Instead, she had died at childbirth without him ever knowing. Mark realises how much Siobhan suffered, and is heartbroken. She was sent to a convent. To his utter shock, he finds out that the child survived: a baby girl. He tries to find her, but the nuns will not tell him anything. An accident occurs that f......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-10-17 12:42阅读更多...


和往年一样,不少电视剧集将在万圣节前播出「万圣节主题集」,你喜爱的电视角色将穿上或性感或搞笑的万圣节游戏服来吸引一把眼球。《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)、《当代家庭》(Modern Family)、《幸福终点站》(Happy Endings)、《美少女的谎言》(Pretty Little Liars)、《鬼楼契约》(666 Park Avenue)……还有更多! 鬼楼契约 666 Park Avenue(10月28日) 老妈与奶爸 Ben and Kate(10月30日) 生活大爆炸 The Big Bang Theory(10月25日) 警察世家 Blue Bloods(10月26日) 幸福终点站 Happy Endings(10月30日) 天堂执法者 Hawaii Five-0(10月29日) 中之道 The Middle(10月24日) 明迪烦事多 The Mindy Pr......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-10-12 23:36阅读更多...


《泰坦尼克:铁与血》(Titanic: Blood and Steel)E04《Under Lock and Key》 Walter’s death has changed the whole picture. Malcontent breeds amongst workers, especially at the shipyard. Larkin has been forced to leave the city. Andrea, to Sofia’s embarrassment, is staying at her house. The Chairman, Lord Pirrie, is shocked, and fights with his former friend Henry Carlton – Kitty’s father – whom he holds responsible. He seeks an understanding with Michael MacCann, one of the leaders of the workers’ movement. They are both intelligent and moral men. Mark keeps his mind......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-10-10 13:21阅读更多...

分集预告:实习医生格蕾 S09、危机边缘 S05、私人诊所 6×03、南国医恋 2×02、为人父母 4×05及其他

实习医生格蕾 Greys Anatomy S09 五大剧透预告 危机边缘 Fringe 5×02及后续情节预告 2 私人诊所 Private Practice 6×03 预告 丑闻 Scandal 2×02 预告 2 中之道 The Middle 4×03 预告 1 中之道 The Middle 4×03 预告 2 南国医恋 Hart of Dixie 2×02 预告 为人父母 Parenthood 4×05 预告 混乱之子 Sons of Anarchy 5×05 预告 海军罪案调查处-洛杉矶 NCIS LA 4×03 预告 海军罪案调查处 NCIS 10×03 预告 拉斯维加斯往事 Vegas 1×03 预告 犯罪现场调查-纽约 CSI NY 9×02 片花 阿尔法战士 Alphas 2×11 预告 灵书妙探 Castle 5×03 片花 1 灵书妙探 Castle 5......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-10-03 19:27阅读更多...


《泰坦尼克:铁与血》(Titanic: Blood and Steel)E03《Good Man Down》 Mark has put his father up in a small hotel. We learn that another man is looking for Mark, someone that Sean fears. Mark’s job has made him closer to Sofia Silvestri. Sofia is charmed by Mark: he seems genuinely interested in her. Sofia’s friend Emily warns to be careful. But Sofia has other worries. Her father is encouraging Andrea to fight for her. But Sofia won’t be forced. In the meantime, Mark discovers a problem with the steel used to build the ship. But science is put to test by the divides in ......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-10-03 14:51阅读更多...

分集预告:实习医生格蕾 9×02、终极审判 1×02、疑犯追踪 2×02、福尔摩斯 1×02、欢乐合唱团 4×04及其他

实习医生格蕾 Greys Anatomy 9×02 预告 中之道 The Middle 4×03 预告 终极审判 Last Resort 1×02 预告 疑犯追踪 Person Of Interest 2×02 预告 神秘博士 Doctor Who 7×05 花絮 大西洋帝国 Boardwalk Empire 3×03 片花 1 大西洋帝国 Boardwalk Empire 3×03 片花 2 福尔摩斯与华生 Elementary 1×02 预告 丑闻 Scandal 2×02 预告 欢乐合唱团 Glee 4×04 预告

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-09-28 15:35阅读更多...


《X元素》(The X Factor)S02E07、S02E08《Auditions #5》 The auditions in front of an audience of thousands continue on THE X FACTOR. Don’t miss the unbelievable tryouts as judges Simon Cowell, Britney Spears, Demi Lovato, and L.A. Reid continue their search to find the next global superstar or breakout music group worthy of a $5 million recording contract with Syco/Sony Music. Find out who will bring the judges and audience to their feet and who will leave the stage heartbroken on the “Auditions #5″ episode. Judges: Simon Cowell, Demi Lovato, L.A. Reid, Britney Spears ......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-09-26 13:21阅读更多...

新季预告:追梦女孩 2×01、复仇 2×01、天堂执法者 3×01、危机边缘 5×01、中之道 S04、当代家庭 S04

追梦女孩 2 Broke Girls S02 拍摄花絮 追梦女孩 2 Broke Girls 2×01 片花 (2012-09-21) 复仇 Revenge 2×01 片花 1 复仇 Revenge 2×01 片花 2 天堂执法者 Hawaii Five-0 3×01 片花 中之道 The Middle S04 预告(2012-09-21) 当代家庭 Modern Family S04 预告(2012-09-21) 危机边缘 Fringe 5×01 片花 邪恶力量 Supernatural 8×01 片花 邪恶力量 Supernatural S08 预告 2

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-09-21 15:30阅读更多...

新剧新季预告及分集预告:鬼楼契约、复仇 S02、传说 S02、中之道 S04、神秘博士 7×03、单身毒妈大结局、裂痕大结局、Leverage夏季终集

ABC周日节目混合预告(RV,666) 鬼楼契约 666 Park Avenue 预告(2012-09-10) 传说 Once Upon A Time S02正式预告片 中之道 The Middle S04 预告 神秘博士 Doctor Who 7×03 BBCA版预告 单身毒妈 Weeds 8×12-8×13 大结局预告 裂痕 Damages 5×10 大结局预告 Leverage 5×09-5×10 夏季终集预告

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-09-10 13:52阅读更多...


● 在成人演员大涨工资之后,《当代家庭》(Modern Family)的未成年演员也涨了工资——现在这几个不满16岁的孩子每集能拿到7万美元(一集的收入就超过80%中国人的年收入……)。当然,已经21岁的Sarah Hyland(扮演Haley)要多拿一些,毕竟她已经成年了。此前该剧的成年演员经过艰苦谈判,逼迫制片方将他们的工资由每集6.5万美元暴涨到每集17-18万美元,一下子迈入电视界「顶级收入」行列。 ● 来自《24》的Annie Wersching将客座演出《逝者之证》(Body of Proof),扮演一名监控病人血压的护士,但相关故事情节显然不简单。她将出现在第三季前两集中,是这两集故事的核心角色,但剧组和ABC均拒绝透露故事详情。 ● Paige Turco将回归《疑犯......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-08-29 23:21阅读更多...


《全美超模大赛》(America’s Next Top Model)S08E12《Highlights》 Rewind and review the challenges, photo shoots and dramatic personalities that make up the British Invasion cycle of “Top Model”. 《Betty White’s Off Their Rockers》S01E12(季终集) Betty White’s posse of sassy senior citizens is back on the street, pulling more funny pranks on the younger generation. Actor and comedian Rob Schneider gets in on the fun this week, guest starring as Betty’s shrink, while her pranksters are busy trying to recruit a male friend for a “bromance,” ......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-05-22 17:53阅读更多...


进度 注:2012年广播网的电视节目展示周暨广告投资洽谈会(upfronts)于5月13日-18日举行,本《指南》将持续滚动更新,直至展示周结束。 最后更新时间:5月26日 16:10 NBC新季信息及新剧预告片……….(信息已更新)(预告片已更新) FOX新季信息及新剧预告片……….(信息已更新)(预告片已更新) ABC新季信息及新剧预告片……….(信息已更新)(预告片已更新) CBS新季信息及新剧预告片……….(信息已更新)(预告片已更新) CW新季信息及新剧预告片……….(信息已更新)(预告片已更新) 2012-2013播出季广播网与有线网夏季剧集 夏季节目时间表:htt......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-05-17 23:57阅读更多...


ABC于凌晨公布了2012年秋季时间档期表。ABC最值得关注的变化为:10部新剧中有5部在秋季播出,其余的在2013年冬春季档;从11月份开始在星期五安排两部情景喜剧;《复仇》(Revenge)被移动到星期日和《传说》(Once Upon A Time)作伴;《鬼楼契约》(666 Park Avenue)也在星期日播出;悬疑剧集《终极审判》(Last Resort)和曾经失败过的悬疑剧集《未来闪影》(FlashForward)一样在星期四八点档播出;《幸福终点站》(Happy Endings)将对抗Fox的《男与女》(New Girl);大量的情景喜剧……大量的!今年果然是名副其实的情景喜剧年,已经公布秋季档期表的三家电视网今年全都主打情景喜剧,故事剧少得不能再少了。 星期一(2012年秋季):......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-05-15 23:22阅读更多...


《全美超模大赛》(America’s Next Top Model)S08E11《Jez Smith》 The models make their way through Hong Kong to attend go-sees, where one of the women loses her confidence and crumbles under the pressure. At the photo shoot for the “America’s Next Top Model” fragrance, Dream Come True, the stakes are raised as the models pose in front of the client, Hatch Beauty founder Ben Bennett. Kelly Cutrone and Nigel Barker join guest judge, photographer Jez Smith, as well as Tyra Banks on the judges’ panel for elimination. 《Betty White’s Off Their Rockers》S01E1......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-05-15 17:53阅读更多...