标签:Law & Order

星期三:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-4-23)

《中之道》(The Middle)S05E19《The Wind Chimes》 Frankie pleads with a mean and unyielding Rita Glossner (Brooke Shields) to take down her wind chimes, whose noise is driving the Heck family crazy. Meanwhile, Axl and Hutch find a ratty, old couch abandoned on the street and try to figure out a way to retrieve it, instead of complaining to a pretzel manufacturer for skimping on the salt, Brick instead commits himself to coming up with a new pretzel snack idea for the company, and Sue informs the family that she and Darrin are dating again. 《新猫和老鼠》(The Tom And Jerry Show)S01E......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-04-23 22:56阅读更多...

星期三:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-4-16)

《新猫和老鼠》(The Tom And Jerry Show)S01E02《Sleep Disorder; Tom’s In-tents Adventure》 Ginger弄了个高科技褥垫,Tom不准在上面睡觉;Tom和Jerry到约塞米蒂国家公园去宿营。 《美国偶像》(American Idol)S13E28《Finalists Perform》 The Top finalists take the stage in hopes of impressing the judges and winning America’s vote! Tune in to see who amazes the judges and who falls flat. 《Workaholics》S04E13《Friendship Anniversary》(季终集) The guys’ common-law marriage is celebrated. 《Legit》S02E08《Homeless》 Walter goes missing after walking in on Billy having sex. The ......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-04-16 22:42阅读更多...


剧情相关 ● 在本周的《神盾局特工》(Agents Of SHIELD)中我们发现……Melinda May并不是Hydra组织的间谍,Victoria Hand也不是。真正的Hydra间谍是John Garrett。他同时是第一季最大的反派角色「千里眼」。尽管Coulson和Hand逮捕了Garrett,怎料到螳螂捕蝉黄雀在后——另外一个Hydra间谍亮明身份并解救了Garrett。这个在Coulson的团队中深藏不露的间谍就是Ward!对于这个令人感到意外的情节以及接下来将要发生的故事,执行制片人Jeffrey Bell和Jeph Loeb做了一次长篇访谈。 Marvel证实Cobie Smulders将出现在4月29日的《神盾局特工》(Agents Of SHIELD)中,再次扮演Maria Hill。她对本季剩余部分的情节非常重要。此前我们得知Samuel L. Ja......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-04-10 22:57阅读更多...

星期三:法律与秩序-特殊受害者 S15E20

《法律与秩序-特殊受害者》(Law & Order: Special Victim Unit)S15E20《Beast’s Obsession》 丧心病狂的William Lewis从监狱里逃走,所到之处血流成河,多人遭到谋杀。警方担心Benson的安全,于是派遣安保人员全天候保护她。狡猾的Lewis很快绕过一切安保力量对Benson发动攻击,他打算完成当初在Benson身上没有实现的「计划」。留给Benson的时间已经不多——Lewis控制了无辜的小女孩Amelia(Lily Pilblad),主动打电话向Benson挑衅。为了救Amelia的命,Benson究竟愿意做出多大的牺牲?

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-04-09 22:58阅读更多...

星期三:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-4-9)

《美国偶像》(American Idol)S13E26《Finalists Perform》 The Top finalists take the stage in hopes of impressing the judges and winning America’s vote! Tune in to see who amazes the judges and who falls flat. 《Workaholics》S04E12《DeputyDong》 The guys are terrorized by an online gamer. 《Legit》S02E07《Afghanistan》 To escape his parents, Jim goes to Afghanistan to entertain the troops and comes under heavy fire with Steve. Billy is hospitalized with Jim’s mom. 《Ali G: Rezurection》S01E07《Medical》 Ali G tours CBS Studios. Borat visits the Henley Regatta. 《牧师的女......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-04-09 22:19阅读更多...

星期三:法律与秩序-特殊受害者 S15E19

《法律与秩序-特殊受害者》(Law & Order: Special Victim Unit)S15E19《Downloaded Child》 单身母亲Jenny Aschler(Meghann Fahy)因「危害儿童」罪被逮捕。Jenny不相信任何人能照顾好年幼的女儿Maddie(Ella Anderson),于是将Maddie独自关在家中长达数日。Jenny过激的母性本能和对男人的恐惧感令Benson怀疑Jenny小时候可能受到过虐待。在Lindstrom医生(Bill Irwin)的帮助下,Jenny回忆起埋藏在记忆深处的、不堪回首的往事——暴力、强奸和被忽视那段经历仿佛历历在目。

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-04-02 23:14阅读更多...

星期三:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-4-2)

《中之道》(The Middle)S05E18《The Smell》 After being goaded by his friend Bill Norwood into taking an assistant coaching position on the girls soccer team that Sue is now a member of, Bill has to back out of his duties due to work, and Mike becomes the new head coach but discovers that the girls care more about their various personal issues then the game itself. Meanwhile, after discovering that a mysteriously hideous smell in the house is emanating from Brick, Frankie must attempt to introduce her pungent son to better hygiene, and Axl is completely perplexed by a picture Cassidy pai......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-04-02 23:05阅读更多...

星期三:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-3-26)

《中之道》(The Middle)S05E17《The Walk》 After bumping into some old acquaintances on a walk around the neighborhood, Frankie and Mike realize that they are more interesting and charming with them than they are with each other and search for a way to remedy the situation. Meanwhile, Sue ends up with multiple dates to the prom because she is too nice to turn down any of the boys who asked her, and Brick enlists Axl’s aid in preparing an “outside the box” book report. 《美国偶像》(American Idol)S13E22《Finalists Perform》 The Top finalists take the stage in hopes ......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-03-26 22:30阅读更多...

星期三:法律与秩序-特殊受害者 S15E18

《法律与秩序-特殊受害者》(Law & Order: Special Victim Unit)S15E18《Criminal Stories》 著名的报纸专栏作家Jimmy MacArthur(Alec Baldwin)获准进入纽约警署内部「观察」Benson和特殊受害人案件组的日常工作,获取第一手素材。当他到来的时候,特殊受害人案件组正在调查一名年轻穆斯林女性(Summer Bishil)的强奸案。当这起案件升级为仇恨犯罪之后,Jimmy却突然跳出来说他也进行了一番调查,他声称这起案件完全是一场精心策划的骗局。受害人很快受到媒体和公众的广泛关注,Benson必须确保这起案件的调查工作不出任何差错,但她担心强奸犯会因为Jimmy的言论而逍遥法外。本集由女主角Mariska Hargitay亲自执导(下面的剧照中包含......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-03-19 23:31阅读更多...

星期三:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-3-19)

《美国偶像》(American Idol)S13E20《10 Finalists Perform》 The Top 10 finalists take the stage in hopes of impressing the judges and winning America’s vote! Tune in to see who amazes the judges and who falls flat. 《鸭子王朝》(Duck Dynasty)S05E09《The Big LeCOWski》 The guys test an invention created by Jase; Phil and Jep take Priscilla and Merritt to a horse farm. 《Workaholics》S04E09《Best Buds》 The guys decide to quit TelAmericCorp to open a taco-and-marijuana shop. 《Broad City》S01E09《Apartment Hunters》 Abbi’s ecstatic after selling her art, but decides she......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-03-19 23:11阅读更多...

星期三:法律与秩序-特殊受害者 S15E17

《法律与秩序-特殊受害者》(Law & Order: Special Victim Unit)S15E17《Gambler’s Fallacy》 一个赌博庄家威胁要伤害Amanda Rollins侦探的宠物狗Frannie(它同时也是Kelli Giddish在现实生活中的宠物狗),迫使Rollins四处筹钱还赌债。在万般无奈的情况下,她决定冒险来到一家非法地下赌博俱乐部。女服务员Clare Wilson(Stefanie Scott)认出Rollins是个警察。为了保住自己的工作,Rollins只好与这家俱乐部的两个老板(Donal Logue和Sherri Saum)达成一项协议,帮助他们销毁违法犯罪活动的证据。然而她所做的一切无法令他们满足,她已经无力独自面对这种局面,迫使Benson和Tutuola出手相助。但他们做梦也想不到自己人会干出......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-03-12 23:23阅读更多...

星期三:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-3-12)

《中之道》(The Middle)S05E16《Stormy Moon》 Frankie is gobsmacked when she is handcuffed, arrested and taken to the police station. But when she discovers that her arrest was over an unreturned library book, she sets her sights on the only person she suspects to be the real guilty party – Brick. Meanwhile, Sue doesn’t know how to express her feelings of disdain to Reverend TimTom over his new partner and girlfriend, Reverend Tammy (Casey Wilson, “Happy Endings”), and Axl and Cassidy reunite during Spring Break but find themselves mostly kissing and not talking t......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-03-12 23:04阅读更多...

星期三:法律与秩序-特殊受害者 S15E16

《法律与秩序-特殊受害者》(Law & Order: Special Victim Unit)S15E16《Gridiron Soldier》 高中橄榄球明星Cedric Jones(Winston Duke)在纽约城中失踪,他的叔叔向家乡的朋友Rollins侦探求助。虽然佐治亚理工学院已经同意录取Cedric,但他还是接受了哈德森大学橄榄球队新人招募组提供的免费周末旅行。后来警察们在监狱里找到了Cedric,他们怀疑此事可能涉及一场失控的超级恶作剧。Benson警长对Cedric的橄榄球队及其颇受人尊敬的教练(Glenn Morshower)进行了调查,发现球队中多人遭到虐待、歧视、侮辱和体罚。与此同时,Rollins求一个老朋友帮助她解决生活中日益严重的问题。

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-03-05 23:34阅读更多...


今日重点 ● 根据提前泄露的《哥谭》(Gotham)第二版剧本,本剧的主人公James Gordon天真得像个白痴。虽然哥谭市是一个危机四伏的地方,但Gordon对一切都很乐观。他的搭档Bullock是一个「迷人的懒鬼」,而不是漫画中那个贪婪、粗暴、腐败的Bullock。虽然该剧并不直接描述蝙蝠侠的故事,但编剧组对剧情没有太大信心,因此不停在台词中暗示该剧与「蝙蝠侠」世界的关联。例如当Oswald Cobblepot出现时,有人说了句「他看起来就像一只企鹅」,暗示了他今后将变成那个臭名昭著的超级反派。为了渲染一种「30年代」的氛围,该剧台词中存在大量隐语黑话。在该剧中,反派角色猫女年仅14岁,但已经在黑道上混了。另一个反派角色Riddler在哥谭市警署......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-03-01 0:29阅读更多...