标签:Power Rangers

星期六:超级战队 S21E05

《超级战队》(Power Rangers: Super Megaforce)S21E05《Surprise》 A passing stranger skilled in the way of the Samurai assists the Rangers when they come up against the monster known as Matacore…

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-03-15 22:02阅读更多...

星期六:超级战队 S21E04

《超级战队》(Power Rangers: Super Megaforce)S21E04《A Lion’s Alliance》 The Rangers travel to the floating island of Animaria to find the mighty Red Lion Zord hoping it’s strength can be added to their own…

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-03-08 22:13阅读更多...

星期六:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-3-1)

《超级战队》(Power Rangers: Super Megaforce)S21E03《Blue Saber Saga》 Noah is humiliated in battle by a sword-wielding monstrosity and questions his self worth and his effectiveness as a Ranger… 《Phineas & Ferb》S04E33《Live And Let Drive》 When Doof uses his “I-don’t-care-Inator” to sabotage the Grand Prix and eliminate the competition, including international racing legend of Italian-Scottish-Swiss-Dutch descent Paolo Vanderbeek, Agent P must take the wheel and go head-to-head with Doof on the racetrack. Guest starring Patrick Dempsey (“Grey’......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-03-01 21:38阅读更多...

星期六:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-2-22)

《超级战队》(Power Rangers: Super Megaforce)S21E02《Earth Fights Back》 The Rangers help rebuild the city following the alien armada’s initial attack, whilst Troy learns that the Armada plans to launch missiles at other populated targets across the globe… 《山姆与凯特》(Sam & Cat)S01E27《#BlueDogSoda》 A popular soda pop is banned, so the girls make their own version of it and sell it, which gets them in trouble with the authorities. 《Take Me Out》S06E08(英国) Paddy attempts to find dates for a selection of different women. If they aren’t impressed by wha......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-02-22 20:42阅读更多...

星期六:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-2-15)

《超级战队》(Power Rangers: Super Megaforce)S21E01《Super Megaforce》(新季) In the second-season opener, the Rangers are presented with new Morphers, which allow them to access the powers of all the previous Power Ranger teams. 《山姆与凯特》(Sam & Cat)S01E26《#BlooperEpisode》 Jennette McCurdy, Ariana Grande, Cameron Ocasio, Maree Cheatham and Zoran Korach are on a lunch break from filming “Sam & Cat”; the cast are interrupted by fans of the show. 《霹雳双胞胎》(The Thundermans)S01E12《Restaurant Crashers》 Sometimes it’s nice to have a cousin who s......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-02-15 22:50阅读更多...


今日重点 ● 《苍穹下》(Under The Dome)的执行制片人Neal Baer近日告诉《电视导刊》杂志,以下六名角色将有两名在第二季首集中死去:Linda警长(Natalie Martinez)、Norrie(Mackenzie Lintz),Norrie的母亲Carolyn(Aisha Hinds)、电台DJPhil Bushey(Nicholas Strong)、Ben的懒鬼朋友Ben(John Elvis)和囤积狂Andrea(Dale Raoul)。我敢肯定Linda警长是其中之一,因为前两天我们刚刚得知Natalie Martinez已经正式加盟一部新剧试映集。另一个「倒霉鬼」很难说,但我相信不会是Norrie,她在第一季的戏份不少(更何况前两天剧组刚刚给她找了一个「情敌」),其他人则属于可有可无的角色。 剧情简讯 ● 《沉睡谷》(Sleepy Holl......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-02-12 0:16阅读更多...


人事变动 ● Philip Anthony-Rodriguez将客座演出《格林》(Grimm),扮演Verrat组织的成员Marcus Ruspoli。这个组织为Wesen王室效力,主要负责维持Wesen世界的秩序。Marcus目前的主要任务是为王室寻找并带回一件非常重要的东西(Adalind的孩子?)。他从3×17开始演出三集。 其他综合信息 ● 《今日美国》称《超级战队》(Power Rangers)第22季的标题定为《Power Rangers Dino Charge》,意味着这部儿童剧将重回恐龙主题。在这一季中,一件被称作钻石棱镜的外星物品在远古时代受到恐龙的保护,然而小行星撞击地球后抹去了所有的恐龙,这件物品从此下落不明。来自外星的赏金猎人纷纷来到地球寻找这件宝物,于是一个恐龙主题的新超级......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-02-09 17:20阅读更多...


今日重点 ● 《传说》(Once Upon A Time):9名核心角色中有一人将在季终前死亡,在排除Rumple的情况下还有8名「死亡候选人」(Emma、白雪公主、白马王子、邪恶女王Regina、Henry、贝儿、虎克船长和Neal)。我把赌注押在Neal身上——上半季的种种迹象表明,他已经逐渐脱离主线故事,成为一个无关痛痒的角色。 此外,两位制片人在今天的访谈中又说了一大堆东西,我简单归纳了一下:Emma和Henry用不了多长时间就会意识到他们过去一年的生活并不真实,但认清这一点绝非易事。她是否能恢复记忆及她的「两套记忆」是下半季的剧情重点之一(以前只有她没有两套记忆,现在她也有了)。Emma、Neal和虎克船长的三角关系并没有消失。虎克船长在上半季......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-01-21 23:43阅读更多...


今日重点 ● 在看《汉尼拔》(Hannibal)第二季之前,你需要知道这些细节:Will Graham本季开始时被关在监狱里,每个人都认为他有罪。他无法在短时间内洗刷自己的冤屈,自然也不会有「一集之后他便回到以前的工作岗位」这种情节(他没有《超感警探》的Patrick Jane那么幸运)。不过本季的Will不再受到脑炎的折磨,他知道自己没有发疯,他会比以前更专注、更积极主动。他会想办法让自己出狱……至少要除掉Hannibal。当Will进了监狱之后,他在联邦调查局的工作由Hannibal接手。联邦调查局比以往任何时候都要器重Hannibal,他们在侦破案件的过程中急需他的帮助。他不会推辞,他会帮助他们去追踪其他连环杀手,他在很多方面成为了「新的Will Grah......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-01-18 23:58阅读更多...

星期六:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013-12-7)

《超级战队》(Power Rangers)S20E22《The Robo Knight Before Christmas》(季终集) Robo Knight lands in a crate of donated Christmas toys and is shipped to a foreign land, where he discovers the real meaning of Christmas. 《塞布丽娜:少女巫师的秘密》(Sabrina: Secrets Of A Teenage Witch)S01E09《Return Of The Werewolf》 Harvey turns into a werewolf and runs amuck, so Sabrina tries to get him back home safely. 《霹雳双胞胎》(The Thundermans)S01E07《Weekend Guest》 Phoebe brings home a plant from school and Max does an experiment on it, which causes it to grow at an alarming rate. 《......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-12-07 21:36阅读更多...

星期六:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013-11-30)

《山姆与凯特》(Sam & Cat)S01E20《#MadAboutShoe》 Sam eats all of the meatballs that Cat has prepared for a special Moon Dinner; Cat becomes obsessed with finding the match to a shoe. 《霹雳双胞胎》(The Thundermans)S01E06《This Looks Like A Job For》 The teens work at pizza shop and try to impress their boss, but Max gets in over his head and must join forces with Phoebe in order to fulfill a large order. 《塞布丽娜:少女巫师的秘密》(Sabrina: Secrets Of A Teenage Witch)S01E08《Best Friends Fighting》 Sabrina and Jesse turn on each other when Enchantra puts fighting sprites i......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-11-30 22:06阅读更多...

星期六:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013-11-23)

《塞布丽娜:少女巫师的秘密》(Sabrina: Secrets Of A Teenage Witch)S01E07《Hic! Hic! Boom!》 Shinji abducts a baby dragon in a misguided attempt to help Sabrina, who must return it before its angry mom seeks revenge. 《山姆与凯特》(Sam & Cat)S01E19《#mypoober》 A tyke refuses to part with her old stuffed toy, but the gals try to persuade her to change her mind. 《忍者神龟》(Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)S02E06《April O’neil》 April attempts to be an ordinary teenager again, but she winds up endangering Casey when Karai resumes hunting her. 《超级战队》(Power Rangers)S......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-11-23 23:42阅读更多...

星期六:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013-11-16)

《塞布丽娜:少女巫师的秘密》(Sabrina: Secrets Of A Teenage Witch)S01E06《Faking Up Is Hard To Do》 Sabrina dines with Shinji and is attacked by veiled magic, forcing her to locate a covert enemy. 《山姆与凯特》(Sam & Cat)S01E18《#twinfection》 Cat plays a trick on Sam using a pair of twins that they are a babysitting; Sam retaliates with a prank on Cat. 《超级战队》(Power Rangers)S20E18《The Human Condition》 Roboknight attempts to learn more about the way humans react emotionally to things and journeys to the local library. Meanwhile, Admiral Malkor resurfaces, eager to pit......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-11-16 22:08阅读更多...

星期六:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013-11-9)

《山姆与凯特》(Sam & Cat)S01E17《#salmoncat》 An old TV show’s title causes problems for the girls because it’s similar to their business’s name, so Sam and Cat try to find the show’s creators, who are in the midst of a long-standing feud. 《忍者神龟》(Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)S02E04《Mutagen Man Unleashed》 Donatello works on a cure for April’s dad, but his actions make April a target of Mutagen Man. 《超级战队》(Power Rangers)S20E17《Staying On Track》 The Rangers robotic adversaries plot to derail a passenger train and throw the city into......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-11-09 21:59阅读更多...

星期六:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013-11-2)

《塞布丽娜:少女巫师的秘密》(Sabrina: Secrets Of A Teenage Witch)S01E04《Shock Rock》 A charity concert to help homeless cats is being held in Greendale, and Sabrina volunteers to supply the band. However, her task gets complicated when Shinji attempts to start his own band in Witch World. 《山姆与凯特》(Sam & Cat)S01E16《#PeezyB》 Cat is forced to go solo as a babysitter when Sam takes a job as a rap star’s assistant. 《超级战队》(Power Rangers)S20E16《Rico The Robot》 The Rangers befriend a malfunctioning enemy robot and attempt to teach it the values of friendship......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-11-02 22:09阅读更多...