标签:Bob’s Burgers

星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013-11-3)

《极速前进》(The Amazing Race)S23E06《Choir Boy at Heart》 One team is tempted by the Fast Forward but will their choice pay off? Meanwhile, Racers struggle to stay in tune with the world famous Vienna Boys Choir and an intense dispute breaks out at the mat. 《丽芙与麦蒂》(Liv & Maddie)S01E07《Dodge-A-Rooney》 Chaos erupts when Liv volunteers at the senior center where Maddie works. To get the girls to claim their turf, the seniors get them involved in a rowdy game of dodge ball. 《奥斯汀与艾丽》(Austin & Ally)S03E02《What Ifs & Where’s Austin》 The gang imag......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-11-03 22:17阅读更多...

星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013-10-6)

《丽芙与麦蒂》(Liv & Maddie)S01E05《Kang-A-Rooney》 When Joey is too nervous to talk to a girl he likes, Maddie decides the best place for him to practice talking to girls is at the high school dance – when everyone is in costume. Meanwhile, Parker booby-traps the house to protect one of the family’s most prized Halloween decorations from being stolen. 《舞动青春》(Shake It Up)S03E25《Haunt It Up》 Rocky and CeCe decide they’re too old to trick-or-treat and elect to have a “Mature-o’ween” with more adult activities, such as knitting and wat......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-10-06 21:57阅读更多...

星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013-9-29)

《极速前进》(The Amazing Race)S23E01《We’re Not In Oklahoma No More》(新季) With the Double Express Pass on the line, teams depart for their first destination, Iquique, Chile, where one racer must face their fear of heights, on the season premiere of THE AMAZING RACE, Sunday, Sept. 29 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Emmy Award nominee Phil Keoghan (@philkeoghan) is the host. 《丽芙与麦蒂》(Liv & Maddie)S01E04《Steal-A-Rooney》 After Liv has a difficult time making friends at school, Maddie steps in to help. However, when Liv discovers she was set ......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-09-30 0:24阅读更多...


● 看来漫画热是越来越热了……华纳兄弟电视制片公司和DC漫画高调宣布开发今年第三部DC漫画题材新剧《Constantine》,急于得到一部漫画改编剧的NBC甘愿支付巨额独占惩罚金将这个项目收入囊中。如果你看过2005年基努-里维斯主演的电影《康斯坦丁》(Constantine),应该对这个故事非常了解。主人公John Constantine是一个魅力非凡但是为人无礼的骗子,后来很不情愿地当上了超自然侦探,全力保护人世间不受黑暗力量的侵袭。此前CW已经宣布开发DC漫画剧《闪电侠》(The Flash),Fox也宣布开发DC漫画剧《哥潭市》(Gotham)。 ● 《犯罪现场调查:纽约》(CSI: NY)的剧集总监Pam Veasey决定转投情景喜剧,给NBC送去一部剧名超长的多镜头情景喜......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-09-28 1:15阅读更多...

星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年5月12日)

《军嫂》(Army Wives)S07E10《Reckoning》 Everyone rejoices when the troops get orders to return to Fort Marshall. Maggie (Torrey DeVitto) bonds with Caroline after getting her out of a tough situation. Latasha (Ashanti) worries about the unexpected expenses that keep piling up. Hector struggles with some sad news from the home front. With Tim (Jesse McCartney) returning home, Gloria searches for a new apartment to give Holly (Elle McLemore) and her husband some privacy. Our soldiers come under attack as they get ready to pull out of Afghanistan. 《Family Tree》S01E01《The Box》(新剧......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-05-12 18:05阅读更多...

星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年5月5日)

《军嫂》(Army Wives)S07E09《Blood and Treasure》 The tribe gathers for Claudia Joy’s dedication ceremony. Denise gets caught up in an emergency at the hospital. Michael and Kat (Brooke Shields) bond at a non-work function. Patrick reluctantly breaks it off with Gloria to keep the peace within his unit. Roland gives Joan an ultimatum. Maggie (Torrey DeVitto) discovers Caroline has been lying about her whereabouts after school. 《护士杰姬》(Nurse Jackie)S05E04《Lost Girls》 An agitated and heavily medicated Jane Doe is brought into the ER. Jackie tasks Zoey with finding out wh......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-05-05 21:52阅读更多...

星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年4月28日)

《军嫂》(Army Wives)S07E08《Jackpot》 The group falls short of their fundraising goal for Claudia Joy’s garden; Gloria discovers Holly’s hidden talent; Hector finds out about Gloria and Patrick; Michael unwittingly encourages Kat’s daughter to switch from the Air Force to the Army. 《护士杰姬》(Nurse Jackie)S05E03《Smile》 Jackie and Kevin are back in mediation, signing papers for joint custody. After the meeting, Jackie rear ends Kevin and wakes up as a patient in her own ER. Kevin accuses her of using. Zoey does Jackie’s intake and Akalitus’s forge......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-04-28 23:12阅读更多...

星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年4月21日)

《军嫂》(Army Wives)S07E07《Brace for Impact》 Gloria decides to break up with Patrick; Denise tries to ease the tension between Gloria and Jackie; Michael clashes with the new Air Force Colonel; Joan is reprimanded at work; Maggie tries to bond with Caroline. 《护士杰姬》(Nurse Jackie)S05E02《Luck of the Drawing》 Jackie and Kevin are at a stalemate in their divorce mediation. Unless Jackie can figure out her work hours, Kevin wants full custody. A little boy comes in with a spider in his ear Prentiss uses a skill he picked up serving time in Rikers and coaxes the spider out. Han......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-04-21 19:14阅读更多...

星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年4月14日)

《护士杰姬》(Nurse Jackie)S05E01《Happy F**king Birthday》(新季) An overturned bus makes for a crazy day at All Saints. Two new doctors join the staff: Dr. Carrie Roman, a resident who fucked her way to the middle, and Dr. Ike Prentiss, a badass Army doc. Dr. Eleanor O’Hara just wants to spend every minute with her new son. Coop is wary of Prentiss but starts crushing on Carrie. And in the middle of the chaos, Akalitus gives Eddie back his old job. After witnessing yet another tense morning between the Peytons, Zoey announces that it’s time for her to move out of Jackie&#......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-04-14 22:18阅读更多...

星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年3月24日)

《军嫂》(Army Wives)S07E03《Blowback》 Denise has her hands full; Latasha, Maggie and Denise are brought together when their boys get into trouble; Jackie worries about Kevin’s return to battle; Joan is surprised by her new orders; news of an explosion rocks Fort Marshall. 《名人学徒》(Celebrity Apprentice)S13E04《Men In Black Are Gonna Come Get Him》 The contestants’ marketing skills are tested when tasked to promote Farouk Systems products using a glass truck. Coming off the heels of a surprise pick in the Boardroom, one team struggles to find harmony with a troublem......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-03-24 21:28阅读更多...

星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年3月17日)

《玩火》(Playing With Fire)S01E01《I Come First, You Come Second》(新节目) E!频道的「时尚风向标」类节目《玩火》(Playing With Fire)将于3月17日播出。这种与餐饮沾边的真人秀节目……你知道的……俊男、美女、夜生活、金钱、酒、酒店、酒吧、美食、聚会、摇摆舞、流行时尚……诸如此类。该节目的主人公是著名餐饮品牌「Chef Boyardee」的女继承人Anna Boiardi及BLT酒店集团的面包大厨Julie Elkind。 E! Entertainment’s newest series focuses on the tastemakers of New York’s culinary scene, who (literally) rub elbows with Manhattan’s movers and shakers and are at the epicenter of the city’s ......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-03-17 22:57阅读更多...

星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年3月10日)

《军嫂》(Army Wives)S07E01《Ashes to Ashes》(新季) The seventh season begins with Fort Marshall soldiers and workers mourning the loss of one of their own. 女主角Kim Delaney已离开该剧,她的角色Claudia Joy Holden将在第7季首集中被杀死。Claudia Joy死后,该剧将向全新的方向发展。扮演Roxy的Sally Pressman将回归,但不再是常规演员——这主要因为她已经怀孕,只能演出前几集。Catherine Bell(Denise)、Wendy Davis(Joan)、Alyssa Diaz(Gloria)、Kelli Williams(Jackie)、JJ Soria(Hector)和Terry Serpico(Frank)继续担任常规演员,Brian McNamara(Claudia Joy的丈夫Michael)仍将是常规演员。 主要的新增角......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-03-10 23:27阅读更多...

星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年3月3日)

《名人学徒》(Celebrity Apprentice)S13E01《The Wolf In Charge Of The Hen House》(新季首播) IN THE SEASON PREMIERE, DONALD TRUMP RETURNS TO THE BOARDROOM WITH ALL-STAR CELEBRITIES FROM THE PAST FIVE SEASONS Donald Trump tasks 14 returning celebrities to create and sell meatballs in a fundraising competition for charity. One Project Manager takes an unorthodox approach to the task and risks mission failure, while the other team immediately deals with an internal power struggle. Fundraising on both teams sets a new record for a first task, but only one Project Manager will take it all. I......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-03-04 0:44阅读更多...

星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年2月17日)

《极速前进》(The Amazing Race)S22E01《Business in the Front, Party in the Back》(新季) Teams arrive in paradise where they find themselves skydiving from 10,000 feet in Bora Bora, and in an AMAZING RACE first, three teams throw in the towel during the first sweltering Roadblock of the season. 《阳光照我心》(Enlightened)S02E06《All I Ever Wanted》 In the giddy afterglow of finding “gold” in Szidon’s personal emails, Amy lets down her guard with Jeff, and indulges herself in daydreams of building a perfect life with a dashing journalist. The dream comes to an abru......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-02-17 17:53阅读更多...

星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年2月10日)

《妖女迷行》(Lost Girl)S03E05《Faes Wide Shut》(加拿大) 城中发生奇怪的案件,一些人类消融成恶心的黏液。Bo在调查中发现了一个可怕的阴谋,证据将她带到一个充满色欲的私人俱乐部。Kenzi一天到晚粘着Bo,但是对其他人玩「阴谋诡计」,迫使Bo向她的死党说出一些令人震惊的真相。 《作案动机》(Motive)S01E02《Crimes of Passion》(加拿大) Flynn和Vega侦探调查一起交通肇事逃逸致一名少女死亡案。 《加州靡情》(Californication)S06E04《Hell Bent for Leather》 Hank (DAVID DUCHOVNY) and Charlie (EVAN HANDLER) meet with Robbie Mac (JOHANN URB), but the project on the table is a little out of even Hank Mood......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-02-10 20:51阅读更多...