标签:Family Guy

老D带你看剧:电视评论协会2018冬季媒体见面会 (Fox) (本文多视频)

电视评论协会2018冬季媒体见面会:Fox Fox宣布《男与女》(New Girl)终结季将于4月10日播出。第七季只有八集,大结局定在5月15日(当日两集连播)。终结季的故事时间向前跳跃了三年(也有说四年),Cece成了职业女性,Schmidt则当起了家庭主男,负责抚养已经三岁的女儿Ruth。Nick和Jess幸福地生活在一起,甚至一起去欧洲来了一趟新书促销行。但是Jess打算给前男友Russell打工,Nick一肚子不高兴。无论如何,Jess和Nick已经开始谈婚论嫁了。Winston和Aly结了婚,他们的孩子很快就要出生。Damon Wayans Jr.(Coach)、Dermot Mulroney(Russell)、David Walton(Sam)、Nelson Franklin(Robby)、Sam Richardson(Dunston)、Jamie Lee C......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2018-01-05 23:21阅读更多...


《嘻哈帝国》(Empire)的制片人再次暗示该剧可能会有一部以Cookie为核心的衍生剧,而且是年轻时的Cookie(本季将引入年轻时的Cookie和Lucious,因此早就引发了媒体的猜测)。Mariah Carey将客座演出3×05,扮演超级巨星Kitty。她试图与帝国娱乐公司的Jamal合唱一首「革命性」的新歌,但他们的二重唱遭遇多重障碍。Kitty将帮助Jamal战胜内心深处的困扰,实现音乐事业上的新突破。这一集10月5日播出。Mariah Carey答应演出该剧,让剧组上下全都很兴奋,就连Fox的高管也难掩兴奋之情。从他们的赞美之词不难看出,Mariah Carey在他们心目中根本不是人……而是一个神。从前Chris Rock、Alicia Keys、Marisa Tomei、Rosie O’Donnell这......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2016-08-10 1:18阅读更多...


《恶搞之家》(Family Guy)S13E06《The 2000-Year-Old Virgin》 After running into Jesus at the Quahog Mall, Peter is stunned to discover that the Son of God is still a virgin. So, he enlists Quagmire and Cleveland to help him throw Jesus the best birthday ever by finding a way to help him become a man. 《辛普森一家》(The Simpsons)S26E09《I Won’t Be Home for Christmas》 After Moe convinces Homer to stay out drinking on Christmas Eve, Marge tells Homer not to come home. This leads to Homer’s sad trek through lonely Springfield, where he learns that the only place where one sh......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-12-07 18:58阅读更多...


《恶搞之家》(Family Guy)S13E05《Turkey Guys》 On the night before Thanksgiving, Brian and Peter drunkenly devour the holiday bird, and then must go out to find a replacement. In Peter absence, Chris attempts to step up and become the man of the house. 《辛普森一家》(The Simpsons)S26E07《Blazed and Confused》 Bart faces a tough test at school when he gets a new teacher, Mr. Lassen (guest voice Dafoe), who vows to crush his spirit. 《开心汉堡店》(Bob’s Burgers)S05E03《Friends with Burger-fits》 Bob becomes Teddy’s workout buddy after finding out his burgers contributed......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-11-16 18:56阅读更多...


《辛普森一家》(The Simpsons)S26E06《Simpsorama》 本集是该剧与《飞出个未来》的特别交叉集(之所以说「特别」,是因为《飞出个未来》已经结束了)。在本集中,辛普森一家人(特别是Homer和Marge)无意中引发了未来世界的毁灭,迫使星球速递的成员穿越时间来到现代春田市挽救危局。《飞出个未来》的全体配音演员——Billy West、Katey Sagal、John DiMaggio、Maurice LaMarche、Phil LaMarr、Lauren Tom和Tress MacNeille——均将为本集配音。一些剧迷喜爱的《飞出个未来》角色也会在本集中「露脸」。 你还将在本集中看到:《飞出个未来》主题的「沙发玩笑」(couch gag);Homer和Bender在一起喝酒聊天;Bender和Lisa成了朋友,Leela和Mar......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-11-09 20:53阅读更多...


● 《汉尼拔》(Hannibal)剧组在纽约佩利电视节上透露,该剧将原著中的角色Freddie Lounds和Alana Bloom由男性改为女性是「非常必要」的。从这个意义上来说,你会在第三季中看到更强的「女性能量」(近日我们已经得知Tao Okamato加盟该剧)。当第三季开始时,每个人都有变化。正在欧洲逃命的Hannibal并不会躲藏起来,相反,他会把自己的打扮得更加光鲜浮华——他将根据自己的新化名和新身份来决定外表和样貌。剧组目前仍然没有使用Clarice Starling这个角色(最早出现于《沉默的羔羊》)的权力,但他们在积极争取。Hannibal和Bedelia的关系究竟深到什么程度?广到什么程度?第三季不会给出明确答案,甚至「不会给出全部的真相」,因为「如果......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-10-21 23:41阅读更多...


《辛普森一家》(The Simpsons)S26E04《Treehouse of Horror XXV》 On the annual spooktacular Halloween special, Bart and Lisa are transported to a demon-filled alternate universe after Bart reads a set of Aramaic symbols he finds on the underside of his desk; Moe’s “Clockwork Orange”-style gang is disrupted when Dum (Homer) falls for a girl (Marge) who wants him to give up the thug life; and, in an homage to “The Others,” the Simpsons are visited by their former Tracey Ullman-era versions of themselves. John Ratzenberger (“Cheers”) Makes Guest-Voic......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-10-19 22:50阅读更多...


《开心汉堡店》(Bob’s Burgers)S05E01《Work Hard or Die Trying, Girl》(新季) When Gene’s “Die Hard”-inspired musical doesn’t get picked for the school’s fall performance, he decides to stage an underground show with the help of Louise. But Wagstaff Middle School families begin to feud when they learn that Eugene has planned his show on the very same night as Courtney’s (guest voice David Wain) school-sanctioned “Working Girl”-inspired musical featuring Tina. 《恶搞之家》(Family Guy)S13E02《The Book of Joe》 Peter helps Joe reali......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-10-05 22:27阅读更多...


《恶搞之家》(Family Guy)S13E01《The Simpsons Guy》(新季) The Griffins Meet the Simpsons on Highly Anticipated Season Opener! In “The Simpsons Guy” episode of FAMILY GUY, Peter and the Griffins get out of dodge and end up in Springfield, where they are greeted by a friendly stranger named Homer Simpson (guest voice Dan Castellaneta), who welcomes his new “albino” friends with open arms. The families get along famously: Stewie and Bart (guest voice Nancy Cartwright) make out like bandits when Stewie trades in his mind control device for a good old-fashioned slin......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-09-28 22:53阅读更多...

星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-5-18)

《美国筑梦者》(American Dream Builders)S01E09《Victorian》 The competition is at an all-time high with the finale just one week away. The remaining four designers must renovate a Victorian home together. Site manager Jay has his hands full keeping his team all on the same page. To their surprise, the contestants meet their neighborhood council for the first time. However, this surprise is minimal compared to the twist they are given by the judges. Two designers will be sent home. The final two designers will battle it out for the $250,000 grand prize and the title of “American Dr......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-05-18 17:06阅读更多...

星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-5-11)

《副总统》(Veep)S03E06《Detroit》 Selina heads to Detroit for a economic summit. However her personal trainer comes along for the trip and annoys the rest of her staff and her family. Jonah and Mike try and organize a photo opportunity between Maddox and the vice president. 《凶案背后》(Those Who Kill)S01E09《Untethered》 Thomas tries to keep Catherine under control; Catherine struggles with the death of her mother; a killer continues to abduct couples. 《辛普森一家》(The Simpsons)S25E21《Pay Pal》 Marge swears off befriending any more couples when Homer offends their charming ......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-05-11 22:19阅读更多...

星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-5-4)

《美国筑梦者》(American Dream Builders)S01E08《Downtown Lofts》 The dueling teams tackle two empty artist lofts in downtown Los Angeles this week. Their focus will be to present a project that defines them most as a designer. Feeling the pressure, Darren of Team Red builds a unique project in his attempt to prove to the judges he deserves to stay in the competition. Nina Magon takes lead on Team Blue, but she and Jay struggle to divide their odd-shaped open floor plan into multiple living areas. Lukas Machnik serves as site manager for Team Red. One designer is sent home. Nate Berkus h......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-05-04 22:52阅读更多...

星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-4-27)

《美国筑梦者》(American Dream Builders)S01E07《Colonial Duplex》 For the first time in the competition, the designers must renovate a single project, a colonial-style duplex. Six designers remain, and the focus for this week’s challenge is to create a “Lowe’s fantasy bathroom.” Personalities clash as the teams are reshuffled. Jay Riordan serves as site manager of Team Blue, but he struggles to lead with team member Dann Foley trying to take control. On Team Red, Lukas Machnik and Elaine Griffin find difficulty in site manager Darren Moore’s casual work st......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-04-27 19:34阅读更多...

星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-4-13)

《美国筑梦者》(American Dream Builders)S01E05《Modern Modulars》 Forced to forego their previous teams, the remaining eight designers are put into pairs and asked to design four exact modular homes in just three days. Faced with a blank slate, the contestants must find a way to work together with ease and transform the raw space quickly. The stakes are at an all-time high and the winning team receives a spread in the June issue of Better Homes & Garden magazine. Nate Berkus hosts while Eddie George and Monica Pedersen serve as judges. One designer is sent home. 《副总统》(Veep......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-04-13 22:20阅读更多...

星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-4-6)

《美国筑梦者》(American Dream Builders)S01E03《Spanish Style》 The dueling teams are challenged this week to create event-friendly homes that are tailor made for entertaining and hosting. This week, the contestants will work on two Spanish-style homes in North Hollywood, Calif. Team Red, led by site manager Erinn, is determined to end up victorious after coming up short in the first two challenges. Team Blue is feeling strong and confident with all of their original six team members still in the competition. However, they struggle to get along with site manager Elaine’s strong o......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-04-06 23:18阅读更多...