

● Natalie Martinez和Alex Koch加盟CBS提前预订的夏季新剧《苍穹下》(Under The Dome)。该剧由史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格及其Amblin电视制片公司开发、根据著名悬疑、科幻、恐怖小说家史蒂芬·金的小说《苍穹下》(Under The Dome)改编。《苍穹下》描述了一个有趣的故事:缅因州度假小镇「Chester’s Mill」突然被从天而降的力场包围,从此失去了与外部世界的一切联系。在这种极端情况下,当地居民为生存而爆发了争夺资源的内斗。与此同时,他们必须动用一切手段来查明事情的真相:力场从何而来?它究竟是什么东西?它会不会消失?何时消失?Natalie Martinez扮演年轻、有抱负的警长助手Linda,对警长Duke Perkins极为忠诚。Perkins警长是个......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-01-24 0:17阅读更多...


注:昨天因服务器故障,未能正常发布每日简讯,今天补上。 ● 来自《飞跃比佛利》(90210)的Amelia Rose Blaire和来自《胜利之光》(Friday Night Lights)的Jurnee Smollett加盟《真爱如血》(True Blood)第六季。Amelia Rose Blaire扮演路易斯安那州州长Truman Burrell(Arliss Howard)的女儿Willa Burrell,在吸血鬼权利的问题上长期与父亲意见不合。Jurnee Smollett扮演性格天真善良的Nicole Wright。她不担心钱的问题,而是担心如何行善、「做正确的事情」。据称Willa Burrell是个多集角色,有望成为常规角色;Nicole Wright已确定是个常规角色。 ● 哈哈,不知道你看了本周的《老爸老妈的浪漫史》(HIMYM)没有……原来Ashley Bens......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-01-24 0:15阅读更多...


● Leslie Hope加盟《革命》(Revolution),扮演乔治亚联邦(Georgia Federation)的总统Foster,多集戏份。她是一个强硬、老练的政客。通过剧组早些时候公布的这张「美国新地图」可以发现,乔治亚联邦位于门罗共和国南方,野心勃勃的Monroe迟早有一天要出兵征讨这个「卧榻之侧」的威胁。NBC在今年的电视评论协会冬季媒体见面会上已经证实,该剧的故事不局限于门罗共和国,而是「美国全境」,某些区域——特别是「废土」(Wasteland)——与这部剧集的核心秘密密切相关。 ● 《Lizard Lick Towing》将于1月21日回归。 ● 《美国青少年的秘密生活》(The Secret Life Of The American Teenager)终结季最后12集将于3月18日播出。这里是预告片:......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-01-19 19:23阅读更多...


● 关于《射手》(Archer)第四季,我简单提示几句:该剧与《开心汉堡店》(Bob’s Burgers)的交叉集不用等太久(这你早就知道了);Archer的「新死党」是Lucas Troy,一个同性恋,Archer在间谍学院的同学,4×02出现。Barry Dylan的命运终于明了(在4×01结尾)。Archer最害怕的东西主动找上门来了——电子人。4×03中Krieger提出给Ray安装电子生化部件以便他摆脱轮椅的束缚,遭到Archer的反对。剧情将再次回忆Katya之死(第二季最后一集有许多没交代清楚的情节)。Malory的新爱情对象:汽车大亨Ron Cadillac,Ron和Malory在4×04里感动了Archer,Archer开始接受Ron(Ron和Malory的配音演员在现实生活中是一对夫妻)。......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-01-18 23:02阅读更多...


● 关于《欢乐合唱团》(Glee)的后续故事(特别是情人节集),我们知道:一场婚礼将在那一集中举行,极有可能是Will和Emma的婚礼;Blaine和Kurt「有可能」破镜重圆,但在那之前Kurt会和Oliver Kieran-Jones的角色(纽约表演艺术学院「Adam’s Apples」合唱团负责人)保持亲密关系,Blaine亦会开始一段新的浪漫关系;Brittany和Santana可能在相当长一段时间内都不会「重归于好」;Brody会长期存在,因此Rachel和Brody之间不发生点什么似乎是不可能的;Tina、Artie、Brittany和Blaine今年面临高中毕业的问题,他们当中的一人或多人可能追随Rachel和Kurt前往纽约(其他人则各奔东西)。 ● 继昨天抛出订婚「炸弹」之后,《生活大爆炸》(The ......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-01-17 22:15阅读更多...


● Colin Ford成为首个加盟CBS新剧《苍穹下》(Under The Dome)的演员。该剧由史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格及其Amblin电视制片公司开发、根据著名悬疑、科幻、恐怖小说家史蒂芬·金的同名小说改编。《苍穹下》描述了一个有趣的故事:缅因州一个度假小镇(Chester’s Mill)突然被从天而降的力场包围,从此失去了与外部世界的一切联系。在这种极端情况下,当地居民为生存而爆发了争夺资源的内斗。与此同时,他们必须动用一切手段来查明事情的真相:力场从何而来?它究竟是什么东西?它会不会消失?何时消失?Colin Ford在剧中扮演生活在镇上的少年Joe,他被突如其来的诡异事件吓坏了——特别是他被困在力场之内,而他的父母在外面。首集剧本的编剧已......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-01-16 23:37阅读更多...


● 《行尸走肉》(The Walking Dead)终于找到了新的剧集总监:监制Scott M. Gimple被提拔为执行制片人,并从第四季开始担任剧集总监,接替Glen Mazzara的工作。过于频繁的人事变动对该剧并没有太大影响(第二季结束后换了一任总监,但第三季收视率反而更高)。 此外,该剧今天还公布了第三个3×09官方预告片,另有一个不知从什么渠道盗录的预告片,清晰度也还可以。优酷禁止我传《行尸走肉》的任何视频,这类视频只能发56。 3×09-3×16的集名依次为:《The Suicide King》、《Home》、《I Ain’t A Judas》、《Clear》、《Pale Horse》、《Killer Within, Part I》、《This Sorrowful Life》和《Welcome to the Tombs》......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-01-15 22:42阅读更多...


来源:HuffPost TV Most of us know the story of Carrie Bradshaw, candid writer, shoe aficionado and hopeless romantic. “Sex and the City” introduced us to the style icon as a thirty-something singleton in Manhattan, but the HBO show was never too concerned with her past — her family was mentioned in throwaway lines, and it wasn’t until “SatC” creator Candace Bushnell published “The Carrie Diaries” in 2010 that fans got a true glimpse into what the author intended for the character, first introduced in 1997. Now, The CW has adapted “The......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-01-15 22:34阅读更多...

《Suits》演员Meghan Markle谈第二季后六集及她的角色Rachel Zane

来源:Digitalspy The second season of sharply-penned, sharply-dressed legal drama Suits finally debuts in the UK this month, continuing the story of reformed slacker Mike Ross (Patrick J Adams) who’s faked his way into a legal career with a little help from new mentor Harvey Specter (Gabriel Macht). Digital Spy caught up with Meghan Markle, who plays ambitious paralegal Rachel Zane, to get the lowdown on what’s coming up at Pearson Hardman. What do you think sets Suits apart from other legal dramas on television? “It’s the characters. I’ve said this before......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-01-15 22:33阅读更多...

《Suits》创作人Aaron Korsh谈第二季后六集及Mike的前景

来源:好莱坞记者报 Suits returns for the final six episodes of season two this week, and things are heating up inside and outside the walls of Pearson Hardman. The USA Network drama left off with faux law associate Mike Ross (Patrick J. Adams) grieving over the death of his beloved Granny by getting into bed with a married woman, Tess (Elisabeth Hower), before paralegal Rachel (Meghan Markle) unexpectedly showed up at the door. “Mike will have to deal with the consequences of his bad decisions,” Suits creator Aaron Korsh told The Hollywood Reporter. And the first case back, w......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-01-15 22:33阅读更多...

《灵书妙探》演员Tamala Jones谈情人节集

来源:Zap2it Before watching another episode of “Castle,” why not catch up with the show’s favorite medical examiner, Dr. Lanie Parish (sorry, Dr. Perlmutter), played by Tamala Jones? At the TCA winter press tour, Jones talked briefly to Zap2It about what’s coming on “Castle,” the Valentine’s Day episode and whether we’ll be seeing more of Lanie this spring. Zap2It: What can you spill about what’s coming up on “Castle” Season 5? Tamala Jones: Currently, we’re shooting the Valentine’s Day episode. There’......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-01-15 22:33阅读更多...

《致命陷阱》执行制片人Liz Heldens谈《复仇》与该剧的“比较”

来源:好莱坞记者报 Deception, which kicked off to OK ratings last week on NBC, begins the story after the murder of Vivian Bowers, a member of a powerful and wealthy East Coast family with unsettling secrets. Detective Joanna Locasto (Meagan Good), whose mother was the family’s head of household, finds herself re-inserting into the Bowers’ lives, secretly investigating the events of her former friend’s death. Though there are hints of Revenge and The Killing in Deception’s DNA, executive producer Liz Heldens was adamant that that was not the case. “I liked t......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-01-15 22:32阅读更多...

《交换命运》演员Vanessa Marano谈Bay与Emmett的关系及Bay的“转校”

来源:TVLINE ABC Family’s Switched at Birth is, well, switching things up. Now that Bay is joining her ex-boyfriend Emmett at Carlton, she’ll be making lots of new friends — and some enemies — which will complicate their relationship. Below, Vanessa Marano talks about the challenges ahead for Bay as she changes schools, followed by an exclusive video sneak peek at tonight’s episode (airing at 8/7c). TVLINE | Bay was almost peaceful and cooperative in the season premiere. But you can’t have TV without drama, so what’s the challenge for her this season?One of the last lines in the premie......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-01-15 22:32阅读更多...