标签:Rick and Morty

老D带你看剧:电视评论协会2018冬季媒体见面会 (Fox) (本文多视频)

电视评论协会2018冬季媒体见面会:Fox Fox宣布《男与女》(New Girl)终结季将于4月10日播出。第七季只有八集,大结局定在5月15日(当日两集连播)。终结季的故事时间向前跳跃了三年(也有说四年),Cece成了职业女性,Schmidt则当起了家庭主男,负责抚养已经三岁的女儿Ruth。Nick和Jess幸福地生活在一起,甚至一起去欧洲来了一趟新书促销行。但是Jess打算给前男友Russell打工,Nick一肚子不高兴。无论如何,Jess和Nick已经开始谈婚论嫁了。Winston和Aly结了婚,他们的孩子很快就要出生。Damon Wayans Jr.(Coach)、Dermot Mulroney(Russell)、David Walton(Sam)、Nelson Franklin(Robby)、Sam Richardson(Dunston)、Jamie Lee C......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2018-01-05 23:21阅读更多...


老D带你看剧:有啥新的? Fox支付独占惩罚金预订Fatima Robinson、Craig Zadan和Neil Meron提交的剧本《Take It From The Top》,来自《海军罪案调查处:洛杉矶》的Joe Wilson和Abdul Williams负责撰写剧本。该剧是一部带有半自传性质的嘻哈歌舞剧,故事灵感根据Fatima Robinson的真实生活经历改编。她曾是一名舞蹈演员,后来成了著名的舞蹈编导。在上世纪九十年代的洛杉矶,嘻哈舞刚刚开始统治流行文化。从街头到俱乐部,嘻哈舞从大众中诞生,Fatima和她的团队迎合这种潮流,积极探索新的舞蹈形式,这也使得Fatima本人在舞蹈界快速崛起。与此同时,她必须面对令人窒息的家庭义务和混乱和私生活。 《橘子郡男孩》(The O.C.)结束10年后......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2017-09-28 21:50阅读更多...


今日热点话题 《神秘博士》(Doctor Who)为Peter Capaldi找的继任者还真是一位女性……许多人直呼「不可思议」。BBC上周日正式宣布,来自《海滨凶案》(Broadchurch)的Jodie Whittaker将成为第十三任「神秘博士」的扮演者,取代今年圣诞特别集离开的Peter Capaldi。Chris Chibnall接替Steven Moffat成为《神秘博士》的剧集总监之后,一直宣称自己要对该剧进行「彻底革新」——将延续了几十年的男博士更换成女博士,便是「彻底革新」当中最重要的一环。曾和Jodie Whittaker共同演出《海滨凶案》的Olivia Colman一直是「史上第一位女博士」的有力竞争者,但无论Olivia Colman、Phoebe Waller-Bridge还是Hayley Atwell,最终都只停留在「传言」......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2017-07-17 23:49阅读更多...


2017年土星奖获奖名单公布 土星奖是科幻、奇幻、恐怖和其他幻想流派影视作品的最高单项奖,因此值得幻想故事谜的关注。我在这里略去电影的奖项,只说电视剧。 最佳科幻电视剧:西部世界 Westworld 最佳奇幻电视剧:外乡人 Outlander 最佳恐怖电视剧:行尸走肉 The Walking Dead 最佳动作、惊悚电视剧:河谷镇 Riverdale 最佳电视表现:惊魂日 11.22.63 最佳电视剧男主角:Andrew Lincoln,行尸走肉 The Walking Dead 最佳电视剧女主角:Melissa Benoist 超女 Supergirl 最佳电视剧男配角:Ed Harris,西部世界 Westworld 最佳电视剧女配角:Candice Patton,闪电侠 The Flash 最佳电视剧年轻演员:Millie Bobby Brown,奇人异事 Stranger ......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2017-07-01 22:18阅读更多...


BBC新版《战争与和平》首批剧照公布 这是BBC新 版《战争与和平》(War & Peace)的首批剧照。Lily James扮演核心角色娜塔莎-罗斯托娃(Natasha Rostova),Paul Dano扮演核心角色皮埃尔-别祖霍夫(Pierre Bezukhov),他们在托尔斯泰的原著中最终结为夫妻。James Norton扮演核心角色安德烈-保尔康斯基王子(Prince Andrei Bolkonsky)。在1956年版的好莱坞电影中,这三个角色分别由奥黛丽-赫本(Audrey Hepburn)、亨利-方达(Henry Fonda)和梅尔-弗尔扮演。Gillian Anderson扮演皇后的女官兼宠臣安娜-帕甫罗芙娜(Anna Pavlovna),Jim Broadbent扮演保尔康斯基王子(Prince Bolkonsky),Stephen Rea扮演瓦西里公爵(Prince Vassil......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2015-08-13 23:18阅读更多...

星期一:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-4-14)

《与星共舞》(Dancing With The Stars)S18E05 The show will begin with a spectacular opening number featuring the entire cast followed by each couple performing to songs from Disney films including “The Lion King,” “Aladdin,” “The Little Mermaid” and “Frozen.” The evening will also showcase fun elements of Disney animation. Additionally, Season 9 Champion Donny Osmond will guest judge alongside Len Goodman, Bruno Tonioli and Carrie Ann Inaba. One couple will face elimination. 《好声音》(The Voice)S06E15《The Playoffs Continue》 The top ......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-04-14 19:09阅读更多...

星期一:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-4-7)

《与星共舞》(Dancing With The Stars)S18E04 The votes are in and for the first time ever celebrities will switch professional dance partners on “Dancing with the Stars,” MONDAY, APRIL 7 (8:00-10:01 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network. This past week, America was given the power to vote and change celebrity and professional dance pairings and now each star must face this new challenge. The new couples will be revealed live for the first time throughout the evening. The show will begin with an opening number featuring the entire cast followed by each celebrity tackling a n......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-04-07 21:27阅读更多...

星期一:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-3-31)

《马来西亚航空公司MH370神秘失踪之谜》(The Disappearance of Flight 370)(英国)(特别记录片) 既然中国的媒体不肯进行解读(也没有任何能力进行解读),那么就来听听英国的媒体如何对全事件进行解读吧。 A documentary looking into the disappearance of flight Malaysia Airlines 370 which disappeared on March 8th. 《与星共舞》(Dancing With The Stars)S18E03 Another elimination occurs after the third week of performances, and Robin Roberts serves as a guest judge. The theme for the dances is “The Most Memorable Year of Their Life.” 《好声音》(The Voice)S06E11《The Battles, Round 2 Pr......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-03-31 19:25阅读更多...

星期一:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-3-24)

《与星共舞》(Dancing With The Stars)S18E02 The competition heats up on “Dancing with the Stars” as the celebrities take on a new style of dance, MONDAY, MARCH 24 (8:00-10:01 p.m., ET). The show kicks off with a show-stopping opening number choreographed by Mandy Moore featuring the entire cast followed by an announcement that is not to be missed! Each couple will then perform a dance style of the celebrities choosing including Swing, Tango, Jive, Salsa, Samba, Rumba and the Cha Cha. The couples face the first nerve-racking round of elimination. Additionally, “The Swit......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-03-24 23:32阅读更多...

星期一:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-3-17)

《鳏夫》(The Widower)S01E01(新剧)(英国) 该剧根据一个真实的罪案故事改编。Malcolm Webster于1994年谋杀了自己的第一任妻子,13年之后又试图谋杀第二任妻子。他通过伪造车祸来骗取人寿保险金。 Malcolm Webster债台高筑,他的新婚妻子Claire要求他尽快用实际行动来改善家中的生活状况。Malcolm实在受不了压力,于是偷偷给妻子下药,让她乖乖受自己的控制。当Claire准备去看医生时,Malcolm决定制造一起车祸。Claire死后,他获得高达20万英镑的人寿保险金。他来到新西兰开始了新生活,娶了新妻子Felicity。不久后Malcolm带着Felicity重返苏格兰。Felicity忙于筹措资金来买一栋新房子,而Malcolm一心想染指Felicity的私人积蓄——因为......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-03-17 21:19阅读更多...

星期一:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-3-10)

《好声音》(The Voice)S06E05《The Blind Auditions Continue》 The “blind auditions” continue and are held in front of a celebrity panel of coaches, including Adam Levine, Blake Shelton, Shakira and Usher. The strongest vocalists from across the country compete to be selected by one of the coaches and fight for a chance to win the title of being named “The Voice.” Carson Daly (“Last Call with Carson Daly”) hosts.  《单身女郎的爱情》(Single Ladies)S03E10《Game On》 Raquel hosts a game night but tries to keep her blossoming romance a secret. Apri......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-03-10 22:24阅读更多...


正式剧集预订及相关消息 ● Fox宣布预订单镜头情景喜剧《Last Man On Earth》,这是Fox按照「新模式」(更少的试映集、更多的直接剧集预订)预订的另一部正式剧集。故事描述地球上只剩下最后一个人类……Fox的剧情描述就这么简单。Fox当初宣布开发该剧时曾多说了一句话:「两个完全不认识的陌生人必须克服彼此间的巨大差异共同拯救人类——因为他们是人类生存下去的最后希望。」这句话在今天的正式剧情介绍中被删掉了,有可能剧情创意发生了变化。Fox打算安排该剧在夏季进行拍摄,明年冬春档播出(意即该剧并不在常规的开发季中进行制作)。该剧由好莱坞名人Will Forte制片,虽然Will Forte并未确认自己是否会演出该剧(他目前的身份仅仅是编剧......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-02-13 23:44阅读更多...

星期一:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-1-27)

《单身女郎的爱情》(Single Ladies)S03E04《A Cut Above》 Different business approaches plague Raquel and Terrence. Elsewhere, April sets out to impress Felicia and ends up connecting with a new man. Also: Malcolm and Keisha deal with Sean. 《疯狂爷孙》(Rick & Morty)S01E06《Rick Potion #9》 Rick helps Morty woo his dream girl. 《Chozen》S01E03《Beef》 A surprising job offer reunites Chozen with an old enemy. Written by Brian Ash. 《布莱奇利密码》(The Bletchley Circle)S02E04《Uncustomed Goods: Part 2》 The girls inform the police tabout Jasper’s murder and the next morn......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-01-27 20:49阅读更多...

星期一:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-1-20)

《单身女郎的爱情》(Single Ladies)S03E03《The Girl Most Likely To…》 Raquel mulls a partnership with Terrence in his new business venture. Meanwhile, April battles David over a new client, and Keisha considers disclosing a secret to Malcolm. 《疯狂爷孙》(Rick & Morty)S01E05《Meeseeks And Destroy》 Rick helps the family solve their problems so he can go on an adventure with Morty. 《山姆与凯特》(Sam & Cat)S01E21《#YayDay》 Cat creates a holiday in order to buy gifts for everyone, and then she peeks at the gifts and is displeased with her present from Sam. 《Chozen》S01E02......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-01-20 22:49阅读更多...

星期一:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-1-13)

《布莱奇利密码》(The Bletchley Circle)S02E02《Blood on Their Hands: Part 2》 Alice has now been convicted of murder and is facing the gallows. The girls face a race against time to prove her innocence and save her life before it is too late. 《单身女郎的爱情》(Single Ladies)S03E02《Where There’s A Will》 Raquel seeks new investment partners. Meanwhile, April meets a man, but the budding relationship could be more complicated than expected; and Sean’s sudden return creates dramas for Keisha and Malcolm. 《疯狂爷孙》(Rick & Morty)S01E04《M. Night Shaym-aliens!》 Ri......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-01-14 0:04阅读更多...