
星期一:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年8月5日)(英国与加拿大)

《皮囊》(Skins)S07E06《Skins Rise (2)》(英国) Cook (Jack O’Connell) has a job delivering drugs to Manchester Revellers. When he is asked to help his employer’s girlfriend find a house and finds that he is irresistibly attracted to her, he sets off a train of events which will lead him into a world of savage revenge and a confrontation with his own violent past. 《Long Lost Family》S03E07(英国) Chris is lives in Eltham, South London with his family. He grew up with his mother who told him very little about his early childhood. Twenty years later he found out had a you......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-08-05 18:41阅读更多...

星期一:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年7月29日)(英国与加拿大)

《皮囊》(Skins)S07E05《Skins Rise (1)》(英国) Cook (Jack O’Connell) has a job delivering drugs to Manchester Revellers. When he is asked to help his employer’s girlfriend find a house and finds that he is irresistibly attracted to her, he sets off a train of events which will lead him into a world of savage revenge and a confrontation with his own violent past. 《Long Lost Family》S03E06(英国) Chris Jones is looking for his sister who he last saw when she was a just a baby. Polly Gillon is looking for her eldest son who she was forced to give up for adoption back in ......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-29 18:42阅读更多...

星期一:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年7月22日)(英国与加拿大)

《伯顿与泰勒》(Burton and Taylor)(电视电影)(英国) 本片描述了伊丽莎白-泰勒与理查德-伯顿的婚姻。他们在12年的时间里两次结婚又两次离婚,本片反映的是他们在离婚后又重新聚首,共同演出一部作品的故事。伊丽莎白-泰勒由Helena Bonham Carter扮演,理查德-伯顿由Dominic West扮演。 《皮囊》(Skins)S07E04《Skins Pure (2)》(英国) Cassie (Hannah Murray) is adrift, alone and invisible in London, trying to make sense of her life. Slowly she realises that someone is following her. Cassie turns towards the unknown. A strange and poignant friendship is carved out of mutual loneliness, but can it surv......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-22 18:59阅读更多...

星期一:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年7月15日)(英国与加拿大)

《皮囊》(Skins)S07E03《Skins Pure (1)》(英国) Cassie (Hannah Murray) is adrift, alone and invisible in London, trying to make sense of her life. Slowly she realises that someone is following her. Cassie turns towards the unknown. A strange and poignant friendship is carved out of mutual loneliness, but can it survive exposure to the real world? 《Count Arthur Strong》S01E02《Arthur.com》(英国) Michael is told by Sinem that he should do something in return for all the help Arthur has been giving him in writing his father’s biography. Michael ends up being mistaken for a m......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-15 19:19阅读更多...

星期一:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年7月8日)(英国与加拿大)

《皮囊》(Skins)S07E02《Skins Fire (2)》(英国) Effy (Kaya Scodelario) has a dead end job as a receptionist for a leading London Hedge Fund. But as she stumbles across crucial financial information relating to a troubled deal and embarks on an affair with her wealthy boss, she finds out that she has bitten off more than she can chew. Her flatmate Naomi (Lily Loveless) tries to stop Effy from ruining her life, but Effy cannot be reached; until tragedy strikes. 《Count Arthur Strong》S01E01《Memory Man》(新剧)(英国) Count Arthur Strong is a fictional comedy character created by com......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-08 19:25阅读更多...

星期一:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年7月1日)(英国)

《皮囊》(Skins)S07E01《Skins Fire》(新季)(终结季)(英国) Effy (Kaya Scodelario) has a dead end job as a receptionist for a leading London Hedge Fund. But as she stumbles across crucial financial information relating to a troubled deal and embarks on an affair with her wealthy boss, she finds out that she has bitten off more than she can chew. Her flatmate Naomi (Lily Loveless) tries to stop Effy from ruining her life, but Effy cannot be reached; until tragedy strikes. 《Don’t Call Me Crazy》S01E02(英国) Crystal has been admitted to the unit because she sees animals and peopl......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-01 19:34阅读更多...


剧情信息 ● Chole Bennet在《神盾局特工》(Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)中扮演神秘的计算机黑客Skye,第一集就被神盾局给抓住了。她在谈论这个角色时表示,Skye是一个对超级英雄痴迷的女孩,但她也一直怀疑自己总有一天要遇到这种事情(被神盾局抓住,与超级英雄打交道)。她不在乎神盾局对她做什么,她认为这很有趣。可是《神盾局特工》主要描述人类而不是超级英雄的故事,因此Skye很快就厌倦了。不过她还是有点惊讶:「世界上真的有超级英雄?」 ● 《美少女的谎言》(Pretty Little Liars):树林里的尸体究竟是谁?你还需要耐心等待一段时间才会知道答案。死的是不是Jason?绝对不是。 ● 《实习医生格蕾》(Grey’s Anat......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-06-21 21:44阅读更多...

预告:蝙蝠侠降临、皮囊、密情 S04、避风港 1×04及其他

蝙蝠侠降临 Beware the Batman 预告 权力的游戏 Game of Thrones 恶搞动画 皮囊 Skins 终结季 预告:Skins Fire 密情 Covert Affairs S04 预告(2013-06-21) 避风港 Graceland 1×04 Pizza Box 预告 蝙蝠侠降临 Beware the Batman 预告 权力的游戏 Game of Thrones 恶搞动画 皮囊 Skins 终结季 预告:Skins Fire 密情 Covert Affairs S04 预告(2013-06-21) 避风港 Graceland 1×04 Pizza Box 预告

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-06-21 13:50阅读更多...


剧情信息 ● 据称《行尸走肉》(The Walking Dead)4×04的集名为《Indifference》,一个「身材消瘦、待人友好」的角色(可男可女)出现在这一集中。此外,该剧的执行制片人在谈论这一季的总体情况时表示,僵尸会比以前更加饥饿,因为「这个世界上人类越来越少,僵尸越来越多」。 ● 据称一些从未出现在《传说》(Once Upon A Time)中的迪斯尼反派角色将「改道」前往衍生剧《奇境传说》(Once Upon A Time In Wonderland),其中有一个可能是「非常著名的男性迪斯尼反派角色」。这个角色并非奇境「当地人」,但和Peter Gadiot扮演的Cyrus可能有某种关联。Cyrus是个神怪(魔仆),因此这个角色有可能是《阿拉丁神灯》中的Jafar。 ● 《权......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-06-04 22:02阅读更多...

新剧新季预告:风中的女王、初代吸血鬼、未来青年、地球百子、陨落星辰 S03、重案组 S02、完美搭档、魔幻都市 S02及其他

风中的女王 Reign 全长预告片(2013新剧) 初代吸血鬼 The Originals 全长预告片(2013新剧) 未来青年 The Tomorrow People 全长预告片 2 2013新剧 4分钟版本 地球百子 The 100 全长预告片(2013新剧)(HD版本) 陨落星辰 Falling Skies S03 宣传片 “Alien Propaganda” 重案组 Major Crimes S02、完美搭档 King and Maxwell 混合预告 魔幻都市 Magic City S02 预览 Suits S03 预告 “Law is a Battlefield” 皮囊 Skins UK 终结季 预告 凡人英雄 The Hero 预告 Anna Nicole Smith 传记电影 宣传片 风中的女王 Reign 全长预告片(2013新剧) 初代吸血鬼 The Originals 全长预告片(2013新剧) 未来青年 The Tomorrow Peopl......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-06-04 17:07阅读更多...