标签:American Idol


剧情信息 ● CW公布了《吸血鬼日记》(The Vampire Diaries)4×20的剧照——也就是衍生剧《初代吸血鬼》(The Originals)的试映集。当Klaus听说有人密谋对付自己时,立刻和弟妹Elijah、Rebekah返回新奥尔良进行调查。他遇到了自己过去的门徒、新奥尔良的实际控制者Marcel。Hayley也在那里,她正寻找家族历史的有关线索。其他关键角色包括两个女巫和一个大学心理学女生(普通人类)。 ● BBC公布了《神秘博士》(Doctor Who)第七季最后四集的集名和短介绍。在《Journey To The Centre Of The Tardis》中,TARDIS坠毁了,Clara迷失在其内部,博士有三十分钟来挽救一切——否则他的时空飞船将爆炸。在《The Crimson Horror》中,维多利亚......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-04-05 18:46阅读更多...

星期四:其他剧集剧情简介 (2013年4月4日)

《美国偶像》(American Idol)S12E25 It’s that time of the week when one of the finalists will be eliminated from the competition. Tune in to see who does not make the cut after the nation’s vote is revealed live in the all-new “Results Show” episode. 《换妻》(Wife Swap)S08E06《Cochran/Curry》 Self-proclaimed “modern redneck” Heidi Cochran trades lives with pageant mom Marianne Curry. 《标本大师》(Immortalized)S01E0《Heaven and Hell》(季终集) Takeshi Yamada competes against a challenger in a theme of “Heaven and Hell.” 《我要做个好人......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-04-04 19:04阅读更多...

星期三:其他剧集剧情简介 (2013年4月3日)

《南国警察》(Southland)S05E08《The Felix Paradox》 The funeral of a major drug dealer brings gangsters of all kinds out of the woodwork, there is chaos in the streets but as our cops learn sometimes the greatest threats come from within. Lydia and Ruben investigate the drug related murder of Sgt. Hill’s son; they discover police corruption in the process and clash over how to handle it. Ben suspects that Sammy did not destroy the tape in episode 7 and decides to take matters into his own hands with tragic consequences. John sinks farther into his loneliness. 《灵异妙探》(Psyc......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-04-03 22:10阅读更多...


抱歉,因个人原因,未来几天暂停更新常规信息,本来计划好的《神秘博士》特稿、《权力的游戏》特稿和《行尸走肉》季终特稿也一并取消。我尽量更新一些重要简讯、预告片和每日剧情(每日剧情是提前一周写好的),但我不敢保证简讯的数量。 新剧开发消息 ● 《私人诊所》的Paul Adelstein将主演CBS尚未命名的情景喜剧试映集,和Debra Messing演对手戏。他扮演主人公Gabby(Debra Messing)的丈夫Bryan,谷歌雇员,性格善良,爱家爱妻子,但并不清楚妻子肩上的负担有多重。 ● Regina King加盟ABC情景喜剧试映集《Divorce: A Love Story》,扮演Ike的妻子Cassandra,拥有女王气质,喜欢对别人发号施令。 ● Rob Huebel加盟CBS情景喜剧试映集......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-03-28 22:26阅读更多...

星期四:其他剧集剧情简介 (2013年3月28日)

《美国偶像》(American Idol)S12E23 It’s that time of the week where one of the finalists will be eliminated from the competition. Tune in to see who does not make the cut after America’s vote is revealed live in all-new the “Results Show” episode. 《换妻》(Wife Swap)S08E05《Envy/Loudon》 “Envy/Loudon” – Political pundit and Tea Party activist Gina Loudon trades lives with a mom in a polyamorous relationship, on “Wife Swap,” THURSDAY, MARCH 28 (8:00-9:00 p.m., ET) on ABC. And in a first for the series, one of the families breaks the......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-03-28 21:54阅读更多...


剧情信息 ● Nora和Josh结婚了!在下周的《我欲为人》(Being Human)中,狼人Josh和他最心爱的女孩终于踏入了婚姻殿堂。这场婚礼没有任何排场,但大家都很开心——至少朋友们都到了。但是……这场婚礼会顺利吗? ● 在《杀手之王》(The Following)中,FBI奈何不了Joe,Ryan被逼到了崩溃点,Claire被迫前往Joe藏身的公寓与他会面,Joe开始和儿子Joey培养感情——一切故事都朝着有利于Joe的方向发展。每个人都在问一个问题:Joe的终极目的究竟是什么?演员James Purefoy透露,Joe其实有两个目的,其中一个是剧情正在逐渐透露的,另一个则「大得多」。「他有一个给自己准备的计划,还有一个给其他所有人准备的计划。」虽然其他人有点不耐烦了(......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-03-27 22:37阅读更多...

星期三:其他剧集剧情简介 (2013年3月27日)

《南国警察》(Southland)S05E07《Hero’s》 John takes drastic measures to try to save Hicks (guest star Gerald Mcraney) while being confronted with demons from his past. Sammy’s lie about the tape weighs heavily on his conscious. Lydia and Ruben track down a John Doe. Ben’s relationship with Elena (guest star Carmen Corral) becomes more serious. 《灵异妙探》(Psych)S07E05《100 Clues》(全剧第100集) Shawn and Gus attend a secret party at a historical mansion, hosted by an aging rockstar. 《生存者游戏》(Survivor)S26E07《Tubby Lunchbox》 As the newly formed Bikal Tr......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-03-27 22:25阅读更多...

星期四:其他剧集剧情简介 (2013年3月21日)

《美国偶像》(American Idol)S12E21 One finalist’s journey will come to an end as America’s vote is revealed in the all-new “Results Show” episode 《换妻之名人版》(Celebrity Wife Swap)S08E04《Kuncaitis/Zdazinsky》 “Kuncaitis/Zdazinsky” – Marissa Zdazinsky, a.k.a “Big Juicy,” and Angela Kuncaitis, an ultra-conservative and religious mom of six, trade lives for two weeks. 《标本大师》(Immortalized)S01E06《Self-Portrait》 Beth Beverly competes against a challenger in a theme of “Self-Portrait.” 《我要做个好人》(Legit......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-03-21 23:11阅读更多...

星期三:其他剧集剧情简介 (2013年3月20日)

《南国警察》(Southland)S05E06《Bleed Out》 In episode six, the day’s events bring all of our cops face to face with some of their greatest fears. The death of a baby shakes Lydia to her core. Sammy is questioned by I.A. about his altercation with Tammi. A difficult day on the job causes Cooper to seek solace in Hicks (guest star Gerald McRaney) but finds none. Ben becomes more deeply involved with Brooke (guest star Annie Monroe) while continuing to see Elena (guest star Carmen Corral). 《灵异妙探》(Psych)S07E04《No Country for Two Old Men》 Shawn tries to bond with Juliet&#......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-03-21 0:02阅读更多...

星期四:其他剧集剧情简介 (2013年3月14日)

《爆笑办公室》(The Office)S09E17《The Farm》 本集原本是衍生剧的试映集,但衍生剧已经胎死腹中,仅此一集。 DWIGHT TRAVELS HOME TO THE FARM – Dwight (Rainn Wilson) travels home for a customary Schrute funeral. He and his siblings (guest stars Majandra Delfino and Thomas Middleditch) receive a surprise inheritance that’s not entirely welcome. Back at Dunder Mifflin, Todd Packer (guest star David Koechner) tries to make amends for a lifetime of bad behavior. 《美国偶像》(American Idol)S12E19 World-renowned rock group Bon Jovi will perform and one finalist’s journey wi......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-03-14 22:47阅读更多...

星期三:其他剧集剧情简介 (2013年3月13日)

《南国警察》(Southland)S05E05《Off Duty》 John is forced to think about what life will hold for him once he leaves the LAPD. Lydia connects with a man she sent to death row earlier in her career. Much to his chagrin, Sammy becomes a tabloid celebrity for the day after a very public act of heroism. Ben makes a dubious decision to get a drug dealer arrested. And a foot pursuit puts Dewey in danger. 《灵异妙探》(Psych)S07E03《Lassie Jerky》 Shawn and Gus join college filmmakers making a documentary about Bigfoot in the woods. 《生存者游戏》(Survivor)S26E05《Persona Non Grata》 The......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-03-14 0:17阅读更多...

星期四:其他剧集剧情简介 (2013年3月7日)

《美国偶像》(American Idol)S12E17《Finalists Announced》 Tonight in a special extended edition, America’s vote and the AMERICAN IDOL finalists will be revealed in the first elimination show LIVE from Los Angeles on the “Finalists Announced” episode 《标本大师》(Immortalized)S01E04《Your Worst Nightmare》 Dave Houser competes against a challenger in a theme of “Your Worst Nightmare.” 《我要做个好人》(Legit)S01E08《Hoarders》 While running an errand with Steve and Billy, Jim discovers Janice has become a hoarder, forcing her husband Walter to live out......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-03-08 0:49阅读更多...

星期三:其他剧集剧情简介 (2013年3月6日)

《南国警察》(Southland)S05E04《Under the Big Top》 Lydia and Reuben track the killer of a man whose body was slow cooked down to the bone. John and Lucero settle into their new friendship during a day filled with strange calls. Ben and Sammy respond to an insane bank robbery in which the suspects throw cash out into the streets as they make their escape in a getaway car. 《灵异妙探》(Psych)S07E02《Juliet Takes a Luvvah》 Gus gets a girlfriend; Shawn gets jealous when Juliet goes undercover on an Internet dating site. 《生存者游戏》(Survivor)S26E04《Kill or Be Killed》 After s......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-03-07 0:11阅读更多...

星期二:其他剧集剧情简介 (2013年3月5日)

《正义》(Justified)S04E09《The Hatchet Tour》 Boyd discovers he still has an Ellen-May problem, while Raylan goes off-book to do some dynamite-fishing with unexpected results. 《美国偶像》(American Idol)S12E15《Top 10 Male Semifinalists Perform Live》(特别集) In the season’s first live show, 10 of 20 semifinalists will perform LIVE from Las Vegas for America’s vote. Tune in to the all-new “1st 10 Semifinalists Perform – LIVE” episode of AMERICAN IDOL airing on a special night, Tuesday, March 5 《味道》(The Taste)S01E07《Seduction》 The battle to ma......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-03-06 1:05阅读更多...


人事变动 ● Rodger Corser加盟NBC新剧《Camp》。该剧已提前获得10集预订,将在夏季播出。据称该剧和《Meatballs》、《Dazed And Confused》一脉相承,故事发生在「小霍克家庭度假营」,一个供游客玩闹的湖畔天堂。在这里,家长们抓住机会给自己减压,而孩子们抓住机会谈情说爱并大搞恶作剧。说白了,这就是一部纯粹的恶搞剧,中国观众应该非常喜欢(想想最近的电影票房)。Tom Green扮演男主角Kip,一个可爱但是不合群的青年。他喜欢独立摇滚和纪录电影,讨厌与别人交流。Rachel Griffiths扮演度假营的负责人Mackenzie Greenfield,表面上乐观积极,实际上心中痛苦不堪——她的丈夫抛弃她和一个年轻美貌的女人跑了,她的儿女们个个都不听话,......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-02-28 23:46阅读更多...