标签:Nurse Jackie


● Showtime新剧《清道夫》(Ray Donovan)的制片人称,他自己也曾干过这种「fixer」的事情,但是他从没用过暴力。该剧描述的是「职业清道夫」的故事——这种人可被看做私人侦探,但他们的主要任务是帮人「消灾解难」。如有必要,威胁恐吓勒索绑架各种手段都得用上。Showtime已预订该剧首季12集。 ● Showtime证实《加州靡情》(Californication)的衍生剧计划已被放弃。Showtime原本计划在该剧中引入一个叫Faith(Maggie Grace)的新角色,然后以Faith为主人公开发一部新剧,现在Showtime只打算保留这个计划的前半部分(Maggie Grace还是会如约演出她在《加州靡情》中的戏份),后半部分则被拿掉了。Faith是一个十分虔诚的天主教徒,但同时也......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-01-13 14:20阅读更多...


● 《革命》(Revolution)的制片人说:The viewer will get a sense of the science behind what’s happening, the political circumstances, why the world went dark as well as getting to know more about the family at the center of it. 《革命》(Revolution)的制片人证实Randall是该剧中的一个重要角色,他将同时出现在现实情节和回忆情节中。今后还会出现更多拥有「神奇U盘」的人。 此外,剧组正式公布了一张「新版美国地图」。我们看到除了Monroe共和国外,美国版图上还有加州自治区、平原国、德州、乔治亚联邦和一块「荒地」(无主之地)。很显然探索这些地区——特别是「荒地」——是该剧的重要任务之一。 ● NBC宣布无......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-10-09 22:36阅读更多...


星期一广播网剧集最终收视率(修正数据) 美国达人:1143万,2.9(下降0.1,本季新低)地狱厨房:565万,2.5(大幅下降0.3)单身女郎:704万,2.3(持平)大厨:548万,2.3(大幅下降0.4)美国忍者:578万,2.0(节目历史上的新低)玻璃屋:398万,1.5 ABC费那么大力气与CBS打了一场口水仗,但他们竭力维护的《玻璃屋》并未吸引多少关注度。 星期一部分有线电视网剧集收视率 Pawn Stars:599万,2.0;578万,2.0单身女郎的爱情:181万,1.0少狼:169万,0.7美国青少年的秘密生活:168万,0.8心舞:164万,0.6小镇疑云:159万,0.5纽约娇妻:139万,0.6妖女迷行:128万,0.5 另讯 《谋杀》(The Killing)第二季季终集仅有145万观众(18-49......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-06-20 22:10阅读更多...


《都市女郎》(Girls)S01E10《She Did》(季终集) 在季终集里,Hannah对Adam的承诺产生「误判」,开始担心她和Adam的关系不能长久;Jessa把所有人召到一起举办神秘的聚会;Marnie在聚会上展现出无拘无束的一面;Shoshanna的「独特之处」给她带来好处--一个追求者似乎对她这种性格情有独钟。 《护士杰姬》(Nurse Jackie)S04E10《Handle Your Scandal》(季终集) After a panic attack in the ER, Dr. Cruz wakes up in pulmonary. While he’s admitted, Jackie goes over his head and takes control of the ER, doing whatever she needs to get the job done. Cruz, gunning for Jackie, provokes her to the point of in......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-06-17 13:39阅读更多...


《都市女郎》(Girls)S01E10《She Did》(季终集) 在季终集里,Hannah对Adam的承诺产生「误判」,开始担心她和Adam的关系不能长久;Jessa把所有人召到一起举办神秘的聚会;Marnie在聚会上展现出无拘无束的一面;Shoshanna的「独特之处」给她带来好处--一个追求者似乎对她这种性格情有独钟。 《护士杰姬》(Nurse Jackie)S04E10《Handle Your Scandal》(季终集) After a panic attack in the ER, Dr. Cruz wakes up in pulmonary. While he’s admitted, Jackie goes over his head and takes control of the ER, doing whatever she needs to get the job done. Cruz, gunning for Jackie, provokes her to the point of ins......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-06-17 13:38阅读更多...


《都市女郎》(Girls)S01E09《Leave Me Alone》 Hannah无法按时交房租,而且对一名老同学兼死敌(Jenny Slate)所取得的「巨大成功」颇感嫉妒。尽管心情不好,但她还是得去Grumpy咖啡屋上班,还参加了由以前教过她的一名教授(Michael Imperioli)主持的读书会。Marnie越来越感觉自己难以继续支持Hannah--无论在经济上还是在情感上。Jessa以前的老板(Katherine Hahn)找上门来指责她。Shoshanna决定与一名刚刚结识的网友外出约会。 《副总统》(Veep)S01E08《Tears》(季终集) Selina finds herself in Ohio to support Rep. Roger Furlong (Dan Bakkedahl) for governor, but given the Veep’s low approval rating, he no l......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-06-10 13:31阅读更多...


《都市女郎》(Girls)S01E08《Weirdos Need Girlfriends Too》 Hannah在Adam的世界里越走越远,这对她来说可能既是好事也是坏事。最近刚刚失业的Jessa和正处在情绪低谷的Marnie出人意料地找到了共同语言。她们遇到一个看起来十分迷人的单身汉,却不知道他隐瞒了许多秘密。 《副总统》(Veep)S01E07《Full Disclosure》 With the Veep (Julia Louis-Dreyfus) and her staff taking flack over a pregnancy rumor and the firing of a Secret Service agent, Selina orders a “partial” full disclosure of all office correspondence. Later, she dispatches Dan (Reid Scott) to make sure the Macauley Amendment (i.e., t......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-06-03 13:21阅读更多...


● 继昨天「Pete」(Tim Daly)离开《私人诊所》(Private Practice)之后,今天「Addison」也要走了。Kate Walsh证实,她只和剧组续签了13集合同,这13集结束后她将告别该剧。由于第六季正好是13集,这很有可能意味着第六季确实是最后一季(尽管ABC再三否认)。你相信一部失去男女主角的电视剧会继续演下去吗?反正我是不相信。 ● 从今年开始,艾美奖的「最佳迷你剧演员(男、女)」和「最佳电视电影演员(男女)」两个奖项将正式合并。去年「最佳迷你剧」和「最佳电视电影」两个奖项就已经合并了,导致一批优秀的迷你剧作品失去获奖机会。 ● 第55届格莱美奖颁奖典礼将于2013年2月10日举行,CBS进行现场直播。本年度的第54届格莱美奖因为......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-06-01 21:45阅读更多...


《都市女郎》(Girls)S01E06《The Return》 Hannah的父母让她飞回密歇根州参加他们结婚三十周年的庆祝仪式。尽管他们希望Hannah一切遵照他们的计划,但Hannah还是「擅自行动」了。与此同时,Hannah与一些高中同学重逢,但他们正在哀悼镇上发生的一起不幸事件。 《军嫂》(Army Wives)S06E13《General Complications》(半季终) Frank questions his resolve as a soldier. Michael is permanently promoted to Corps Commander and receives a 3rd Star. Audrey tells CJ she helped Michael get the promotion and demands payback. Roland and Joan grapple with David’s desire to spend time with his biological father. Hec......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-05-20 16:14阅读更多...


进度 注:2012年广播网的电视节目展示周暨广告投资洽谈会(upfronts)于5月13日-18日举行,本《指南》将持续滚动更新,直至展示周结束。 最后更新时间:5月26日 16:10 NBC新季信息及新剧预告片……….(信息已更新)(预告片已更新) FOX新季信息及新剧预告片……….(信息已更新)(预告片已更新) ABC新季信息及新剧预告片……….(信息已更新)(预告片已更新) CBS新季信息及新剧预告片……….(信息已更新)(预告片已更新) CW新季信息及新剧预告片……….(信息已更新)(预告片已更新) 2012-2013播出季广播网与有线网夏季剧集 夏季节目时间表:htt......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-05-17 23:57阅读更多...


《军嫂》(Army Wives)S06E12《Blood Relative》 Roland and Joan meet with CJ to discuss legal issues surrounding Marcus, David’s biological father. Denise offers CJ her kidney as Frank protests the risks. Hector thinks Gloria should quit working because he doesn’t like her flirting with customers. Roxy has good news for Trevor. 《复仇者:地球的超级英雄》(The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes)S02E07《Who Do You Trust?》 The Avengers are torn apart when Nick Fury returns and reveals that the shapeshifting alien Skrulls have begun infiltrating Earth. The situation becom......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-05-12 22:02阅读更多...


《极速前进》(The Amazing Race)S20E11《It’s a Great Place to Become Millionaires Part 1 & Part 2》(季终) The final four Teams battle for the $1 million prize in a grueling two-hour season finale that starts in Japan, where Racers call upon their track skills for an exhausting Japanese game show, and concludes in Hawaii, where Teams hit the waves to put their rescue mission skills to the test. 《军嫂》(Army Wives)S06E11《Fallout》 Roland meets a man, Marcus, who claims to be David’s biological father. Michael investigates the incident at the orphanage in Africa. Jack......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-05-06 15:02阅读更多...


《极速前进》(The Amazing Race)S20E10《I Need Hair To Be Pretty (Cochin, India)》 One determined Racer powers through pain in the wake of a physical misstep, and teams pull out all of the bells and whistles for a larger than life challenge, on THE AMAZING RACE, Sunday, April 29 (8:00-9:01 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Phil Keoghan is host. 《军嫂》(Army Wives)S06E10《After Action Report》 Denise worries about Frank when he comes back restless from Africa. Jackie feels overwhelmed and alone with all of her army duties. Roxy and Trevor help Gloria and Hector when the two run......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-04-29 17:18阅读更多...


《极速前进》(The Amazing Race)S20E09《Bollywood Travolta》 Gender disparities cause one Team to lose faith when a challenge seems insurmountable, and emotions run high as a Racer must weigh their own well-being against their future in the game. 《军嫂》(Army Wives)S06E09《Non-Combatants》 The tribe must organize a memorial service. Nicole negotiates a resolution to the conflict with the militia in Africa, but she runs into trouble as they leave. Frank, Trevor and Hector evacuate the last Americans but are forced to make a difficult decision about who to leave behind. Denise offers t......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-04-22 15:22阅读更多...