标签:Project Runway


《X元素》(The X Factor)S02E02《Auditions #2》 The live auditions in front of an audience of thousands continue on the second part of the two-night season premiere of THE X FACTOR. Don’t miss the unbelievable auditions as judges Simon Cowell, Britney Spears, Demi Lovato, and L.A. Reid continue their search to find the next global superstar or breakout music group worthy of a $5 million recording contract with Syco/Sony Music. Find out who will bring the judges and audience to their feet and who will leave the stage in tears in “Auditions #2,” the second part of the two......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-09-12 13:53阅读更多...


《天桥骄子》(Project Runway)S10E08《Starving Artist》 In teams of three the designers have to sell their created goods on the street in order to earn money for buying fabric at Mood to create looks for fall. 《捉鬼队》(Ghost Hunters)S08E13《A Serial Killer’s Revenge》(回归) The Old City Jail in Charleston, S.C., is investigated. 《超自然目击者》(Paranormal Witness)S02E05《Lady On The Stairs》 The ghost of a Victorian-era mother may be haunting the home of newlyweds. 《Collection Intervention》S01E05《No More Arigato, Mr. Roboto》(特别集) Richard Hatch, who starred on ......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-09-05 18:27阅读更多...


《天桥骄子》(Project Runway)S10E07《Oh My Lord and Taylor》 The designers compete to have their looks selected as part of a 10-piece capsule collection. Fashion executive Bonnie Brooks is the guest judge. 《牛郎》(Gigolos)S03E01《The Steven Clown Affair》(新季) In the Season 3 premiere, Jimmy’s failure to return calls from the boss and his coworkers threatens his future with the company; and Brace gives spray tanning a shot. 《Sullivan & Son》S01E08《How Carol Got Her Groove Back》 Carol gets the blues when she discovers she’s going through menopause. Ahmed tries ......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-08-29 13:54阅读更多...


《天桥骄子》(Project Runway)S10E06《Fix My Friend》 The clothiers create looks to accompany new hairstyles for women who are in need of makeovers. British fashion designer Alice Temperley serves as the guest judge. 《Sullivan & Son》S01E07《The Fifth Musketeer》 The dates come pouring in for Steve when Ok Cha creates a fake online profile for him. Inspired, the guys set up their own faux dating profiles and try to learn dating secrets from a highly regarded bachelor. 《Snooki & JWoww》S01E10《Couples Hell》 Snooki and Jionni get into an argument on his birthday over a pictu......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-08-22 23:10阅读更多...


《天桥骄子》(Project Runway)S10E05《It’s My Way on the Runway》 A team challenge tasks the clothiers with stitching together cohesive looks for working women. Joanna Coles is the guest judge. 《Sullivan & Son》S01E06《Creepy Love Songs》 The guys discover that an old comic book is valuable, so they try to sell it to a collector. Meanwhile, Owen and Carol showcase a new act at the bar; and Steve and Melanie try to crack middle-school mysteries. 《Snooki & JWoww》S01E09《Sitting Alone in a Hotel Room Sucks》 The girls’ friendship is tested on their last night in Can......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-08-15 22:21阅读更多...


《天桥骄子》(Project Runway)S10E04《Women On The Go》 《Sullivan & Son》S01E05《The Punch》 《Snooki & JWoww》S01E08《Cancun Is Not an Island》 Snooki and JWoww head to Cancun, hoping to let loose, but Snooki has a hard time relaxing while pregnant. The gals bicker about late-night plans, and a fight in a club puts Snooki in an uncomfortable situation. 《Wipeout》S05E17《Hillbilly Wipeout》 In this week’s Hillbilly episode, the Wipeout course welcomes 24 quirky contestants vying to become $50,000 richer, as everyone’s footing is challenged during multiple unsucces......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-08-08 13:22阅读更多...


《天桥骄子》(Project Runway)S10E01(新季) Season premiere with 16 new designers and a live runway show in Times Square with Lauren Graham and Patricia Field as guest judges. 《Sullivan & Son》S01E01《Last, Best, And Final》(新剧) Sullivan & Son TBS’s new original sitcom starring comedian Steve Byrne Set in a popular pub in a working-class Pittsburgh neighborhood, Sullivan & Son. The series follows Steve, a successful New York City lawyer, moves home to his parents’ working class Pittsburgh neighborhood to buy back his parents’ bar before they sell it to......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-07-18 20:23阅读更多...


● ABC决定将《单身女郎》(The Bachelorette)季终集从星期一移到星期日播出,准确地说是7月22日。与此同时,ABC将在季终集之后播出直播版特别节目《After the Final Rose》,这是七年来该节目首次进行直播。ABC此举显然是为了针对CBS的新节目《三人行》(3)——那同样是一个电视配对节目,只不过寻找“真爱”的不止一个单身女郎,而是三个。有媒体称这和ABC、CBS最近的《老大哥》“剽窃”官司有关,ABC故意要打压CBS的新剧。   ● 据称《欢乐合唱团》(Glee)第四季将保留全部15名主要角色——尽管他们有的已经毕业甚至离开了俄亥俄州。这些角色可能只会出现在部分集中,其中一些是为新来的角色“腾出空间”(包括凯特·哈德森和莎拉·杰西卡·帕克的......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-07-03 23:14阅读更多...


● 昨天《傲骨贤妻》(The Good Wife)刚刚把著名女演员Maura Tierney招至麾下,今天他们又招来另一位著名女演员--Kristin Chenoweth。Kristin Chenoweth将在剧中扮演精明强干的政治新闻记者,与Alicia和Peter斗智斗勇且不落下风(可能是一个常规角色)。Kristin Chenoweth最近几年活跃于《Pushing Daisies》、《欢乐合唱团》(Glee)、《良家美女》(GCB)等剧集。 ● 百老汇明星Andy Mientus加盟《一鸣惊人》(Smash),成为新的常规演员。他将扮演从布鲁克林来的穷小子Kyle,梦想成为百老汇的编剧、词作家。Kyle是另一名新角色Jimmy(Jeremy Jordan)的朋友。 ● 《复仇》(Revenge):据称Daniel下一季会有一个新爱情对象,她很有可能......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-06-27 21:43阅读更多...


● ABC和加拿大Global TV提前宣布续订《雏鹰展翅》(Rookie Blue)第四季。近些年美国从加拿大引进的剧集表现都不好,该剧虽然收视率不高,但好歹给加拿大人挽回了一点颜面(不像《异形庇护所》那种剧集,死了之后还不知道自己是怎么死的)。前段时间《超越时间线》(Continuum)开播时我曾和朋友讨论过加拿大剧集特别是加拿大科幻剧集的问题。在加拿大科幻剧最鼎盛的时期诞生过《泰星来客》(Earth Final Conflict)、《星舰复国记》(Andromeda)、《异种战士》(Mutant X)、《首轮攻击》(First Wave)、《星际之门:亚特兰蒂斯》(Stargate: Atlantis)等一大批科幻剧集,如今也跟着美国一起堕落了。《异形庇护所》为什么被Syfy取消?......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-06-26 21:23阅读更多...


剧情简讯 ● 《行尸走肉》(The Walking Dead):AMC公布了Merle回归的官方剧照。上一季他曾以「Daryl的幻觉」的方式短暂出现,但那不算真正的回归。 ● 制片人在谈论《火线警告》(Burn Notice)第六季时表示,Anson现在基本上只想着一个问题--活命。Fiona「自首」之后,Anson已经无牌可打了;找到Anson并将他移交给有关方面是Michael救Fiona出狱的唯一方法;Fiona会在监狱里待一段时间,不会马上出来;即便Fiona出狱了,有些事情也已彻底改变;用高墙来阻隔Michael和Fiona并非想要拆散他们,而是要描述他们「誓要在一起」的决心;尽管Fiona在监狱里,但Michael还是有办法和她联系;Fiona在监狱内外都有敌人,因此要想在监狱里过得安稳是......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-06-14 21:49阅读更多...


新剧开发消息 ● 加拿大Citytv预订了两部新情景喜剧:《Package Deal》,故事描述女孩Kim遇到心目中的白马王子(一个迷人、单身、事业成功的律师)后,发现他早已「心有所属」--他和他的两个「死党」兄弟简直一刻也分不开。《Seed》,故事描述一个精子捐献者与他的孩子们及孩子所在的家庭的「人间喜剧」。 ● NBC再次开发一部歌唱类选秀(竞技)节目。《The Winner Is》。它和其他同类节目没有任何不同:各种年龄层次的参赛者登台献唱,几个评委坐在台下评论,冠军奖金为100万美元。唯一不同的是,该节目更关注选手们的直接对抗。每一轮参赛选手将两两竞争,在竞争结果公布之前,参赛选手可以与对手进行协商:他们可以选择主动退出并得到一......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-05-30 22:48阅读更多...


进度 注:2012年广播网的电视节目展示周暨广告投资洽谈会(upfronts)于5月13日-18日举行,本《指南》将持续滚动更新,直至展示周结束。 最后更新时间:5月26日 16:10 NBC新季信息及新剧预告片……….(信息已更新)(预告片已更新) FOX新季信息及新剧预告片……….(信息已更新)(预告片已更新) ABC新季信息及新剧预告片……….(信息已更新)(预告片已更新) CBS新季信息及新剧预告片……….(信息已更新)(预告片已更新) CW新季信息及新剧预告片……….(信息已更新)(预告片已更新) 2012-2013播出季广播网与有线网夏季剧集 夏季节目时间表:htt......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-05-17 23:57阅读更多...

星期四收视率报告:Fox、NBC剧集全都明显下降 《吸血鬼日记》逆势上升

星期四广播网剧集最终收视率(修正数据) 美国偶像:1558万,4.2社区大学:387万,1.7疑踪:881万,1.6吸血鬼日记:269万,1.3我为喜剧狂(6×13):331万,1.5我为喜剧狂(6×14):342万,1.6触摸未来:1181万,3.3秘社:172万,0.7整夜难眠:325万,1.5异度觉醒:473万,1.2 《美国偶像》下降了13%,导致正式首播的《触摸未来》也跟着下降了18%(首集为3.9)。《社区大学》降回「常规」的1.7,但仍然是NBC收视率最高的节目。《我为喜剧狂》下降25%,《整夜难眠》为全剧最低,《异度觉醒》和《疑踪》分别下降25%和24%,同样为全剧最低。《吸血鬼日记》逆势上升8%,相当难得。《秘社》收视率不变。 星期四部分有线电视网剧集收......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-03-24 16:11阅读更多...

星期四收视率报告:《疑踪》慢热 《社区大学》形势不错

星期四广播网剧集最终收视率(修正数据) 美国偶像:1602万,4.6社区大学:475万,2.2疑踪:1060万,2.1吸血鬼日记:264万,1.2我为喜剧狂:400万,2.0实习医生格蕾:962万,3.0爆笑办公室:487万,2.4触摸未来(正式首播):857万,2.2秘社:162万,0.7整夜难眠:349万,1.7私人诊所:685万,2.1异度觉醒:512万,1.6 《触摸未来》的重播集依然表现不错。在《美国偶像》的带领下,这个重播集超越了大多数节目的新集,仅低于《实习医生格蕾》和《爆笑办公室》。 ABC的《疑踪》观众人数不少,但18-49收视率太低了,比已经被取消的《霹雳娇娃》的首播集还要低。难道是因为Ashley Judd年纪偏大,所以看该剧的老年人多,青壮年少吗?《实习医......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-03-17 16:55阅读更多...